3.1.6 Extra State Compensation
A. Purpose
It is the purpose of this policy to provide guidelines on extra state compensation for faculty.
B. Persons Affected
The persons affected are the faculty.
C. Definitions
“Extra state compensation” is compensation for approved additional duties and responsibilities within the University in excess of the full-time equivalent (FTE) established for the employee’s primary salaried position. Extra state compensation does not include pay for summer teaching; stipends for administrative or other duties that do not increase the employee’s FTE above that established for the position; awards and prizes; or additional compensation associated with named chairs and based on specified revenue from the associated donation.
D. Policies
The scope of work that is expected of faculty members includes teaching, service and research. Generally, the University will not pay extra state compensation for work on special projects during the academic year. However, in exceptional circumstances, faculty may engage in activities outside normal duties for which extra state compensation may be justified.
E. Responsibilities
The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer and the Executive Vice President Health Affairs are responsible for the administration of this policy. Deans and chairpersons are responsible for the implementation of the policy.
F. Procedures
Faculty may receive extra state compensation for additional employment within the University in excess of the full-time equivalent (FTE) established for the employee’s primary salaried position. Only work meeting the criteria described herein, which is clearly identifiable as beyond the established FTE for the position, is eligible for extra state compensation.
Extra state compensation will be approved only in limited circumstances and only for approved activities. Approvable activities shall be temporary situations and not replacements for proper staffing and load management. Extra state compensation may be granted only with advance approval of the President or the President’s authorized representative. Total extra state compensation may not exceed 20% of a faculty member’s regular salary during a fiscal year.
Each faculty member is responsible for the full and competent performance of all duties pertinent to his/her employment with the University. Activities or additional employment that may interfere with the primary employment obligations and responsibilities, or may create a conflict of interest with those responsibilities and obligations are prohibited. For any given semester, the amount of time devoted to activities for which faculty members may receive extra state compensation may not exceed 20%.
Faculty may not receive extra state compensation for credit-generating teaching in excess of normal load.
The president, vice-presidents, associate or executive vice presidents, deans, and directors may not receive extra state compensation for teaching or for performing other duties for the university. Exceptions to the provisions of this policy will require the approval of the President.
Activities Qualifying for Extra State Compensation
- Contract or Grant Administration. In those situations where a grant does not allow buying out release time for grant administration and a course reduction is not appropriate given the demands on the department, extra state compensation from non-grant funds may be appropriate.
- Non-Credit Instruction. Although non-credit instruction is typically funded by local continuing education income, there may be circumstances where state funding is used to compensate faculty. Instructional outreach activities are an integral part of the mission of the University. Faculty are encouraged to participate in such activities through the mechanism of continuing education. All such activities are in addition to the faculty member’s normal load. Compensation for non-credit instruction will be at rates established by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Non-credit courses should be compensated at a rate not to exceed 3% of the faculty member’s regular salary per continuing education unit (CEU). Faculty will not be compensated for more than one non-credit course per semester.
- Assignment of Additional Non-Administrative Duties. On rare occasions, faculty do take on non-administrative assignments that are in addition to regularly assigned duties in teaching, research and service. Such duties might include extensive recruitment traveling or preparation of an accreditation self-study. Generally, release from regularly assigned teaching duties is the appropriate mechanism for recognizing such efforts. However, when a course reduction is not appropriate given the demands on the department, extra state compensation may be given.
Because the assigned duties are not administrative in nature, both release time and extra state compensation may not be given.
The assignment of additional non-administrative duties is considered temporary, regardless of their duration. Extra state compensation for additional non-administrative duties is considered a temporary increase and is removed when the temporary duties are removed.
Requests for extra state compensations shall originate in the department in which the faculty member seeking compensation is employed and shall include a description of the duties for which extra compensation is requested, the amount of the requested compensation, and the duration of the duties and extra compensation.
All requests for extra compensation shall be reviewed and approved by the chairpersons, deans, the Provost and the President.
G. Review
The Divisional Head for this policy is the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. This policy shall be reviewed every five years or sooner if necessary by the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chief Academic Officer and the Executive Vice President Health Affairs in consultation with the Faculty Senate.
AMENDED: 04/22/2009
AMENDED: 02/2019
AMENDED: 09/2021