Handbook of Operating Procedures > Added and Amended Policies
The following policies have been added or amended recently (most recent first):
1.1.1 Adding and Amending Policies Amended 05/16/24
2.4.1 Nondiscrimination Amended 04/17/24
3.2.8 Misconduct in Research and Other Scholarly Activity Amended 04/17/24
4.18.3 Vacation Leave Amended 04/17/24
4.28.7 Requisitioning and Record-Keeping of Controlled Precursor Chemicals Amended 04/17/24
2.5.8 External Audits and Reviews – Required Communication Amended 04/17/24
7.5.16 Safeguarding Data Amended 04/17/24 Definitions of Terms Added 02/08/2024
3.2.10 Academic Advisement and Mentoring Amended 02/08/2024
4.15.1 Probationary Period for Classified Employees Amended 02/08/2024
4.19.2 Separation of Employment and Exit Guidelines Amended 02/08/024
7.1.0 Definitions of Terms Used in Information Resources Added 02/08/2024
1.2.6 Deans Amended 12/19/2023
5.14.3 Student Pregnancy and Parenting Nondiscrimination Added 12/06/2023
4.16.6 Remote Work Arrangements Amended 11/2023
1.1.1 Adding and Amending Policies Amended 09/2023
3.1.3 Academic Titles Amended 09/2023
3.8.7 Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training and Responsibilities Amended 09/2023
4.15.3 Employment and Recruiting Amended 09/2023 Dual Employment with Texas State Agencies Added 09/2023
4.18.4 Sick Leave Amended 09/2023
4.18.9 Sick Leave Pool Amended 09/2023
4.18.17 Resident/Fellow Vacation and Leave Amended 09/2023
4.19.2 Voluntary Resignations and Exit Guidelines Amended 09/2023
5.12.2 Student Health Insurance Requirements Added 09/2023
7.5.16 Safeguarding Data Amended 09/2023
Handbook of Operating Procedures