4.28.3 Unmanned Aircraft System

A. Purpose 

There is a growing popularity with operating an unmanned aircraft system (“UAS”). The University of Texas at Tyler has established this policy to help assure a safe environment for the campus community and ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations including Chapter 423 of the Texas Government Code.  

B. Persons Affected 

This Policy applies to all University administrators, faculty, staff, students, contractors, and vendors working on University premises.   

C. Definitions 

University – The University of Texas at Tyler  

UAS – an unmanned aircraft system (also referred to as a “drone”). 

EH&S-Environmental Health and Safety 

D. Policy  

Rules Governing UAS or Drone use on University Premises. Flying a UAS of any type on property belonging to or controlled by the University is prohibited unless the University has granted prior approval. Use of a UAS must comply with all sections in Title 4, Subtitle B, Chapter 423 of the Texas Government Code: Use of Unmanned Aircraft, and the requirements of the University UAS Program located here: https://www.uttyler.edu/safety/general-safety-programs.php 

E. Responsibilities 

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) is responsible for administering this Policy and associated programs and ensuring compliance with University, State, and Federal rules and regulations.  

The President is responsible for approving this policy, including any subsequent amendments.  

Risk Management is responsible for verifying supporting documentation related to piloting a UAS (licensure, insurance documentation, Right of Use documents, and UAS registration).  

EH&S is responsible for ensuring equipment used for commercial use, academic use or personal use on University owned, leased or controlled property is safe to use and usage complies with University policy.  

Operators of UASs are responsible for the safe and lawful usage of UAS both inside and outside University owned, leased or controlled property, and for following the requirements of this policy. 

F. Procedures 

All procedures are outlined under the appropriate program section on the EH&S website: https://www.uttyler.edu/safety/  

G. Review 

This policy shall be reviewed by EH&S and Campus PD every five years or as legislation changes.


AMENDED: 09/2021