4.19.4 Performance Evaluation Program

A. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to create and maintain a mutually beneficial performance management system by which goals, objectives, standards, and expectations are developed, communicated, and measured for continual organizational improvement as well as individual staff member development.

B. Authority/Persons Affected

The University of Texas System Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations Rule 30501, Employee Evaluations

The University of Texas System Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations Rule 30103, Standards of Conduct

The University of Texas System Board of Regents’ Rules and Regulations Rule 30601, Discipline and Dismissal of Classified Employees

Texas Government Code Chapter 552, Public Information

Persons Affected: This policy applies to all non-faculty employees of the University of Texas at Tyler, and the Health Science Center, UT Tyler, including all off-campus instructional and clinical sites (UTT). 

C. Definitions

Evaluation Period: January 1st through December 31st of each year.  

D. Policy and Procedures

The performance evaluation process is designed to emphasize the value of an employee’s contributions, assess performance expectations by providing specific and meaningful feedback, and engage the manage and employee in developing goals and a development plan for the employee. The policy of the UTT is that supervisors will conduct performance evaluations on all employees under their supervision in accordance with this policy and guidelines established by the Office of Human Resources . The Office of Human Resources shall develop an effective performance evaluation program that is based on lawful, job-related, and nondiscriminatory criteria and shall distribute guidelines for use by managers in the evaluation of employees. Adherence to the provisions of this policy and to the guidelines promulgated by the Office of Human Resources will be considered in the evaluation of supervisory personnel. 


  1. Evaluation Criteria

    1. The department is expected to develop clear and consistent standards for each position. Performance evaluations will be based only on lawful, job-related, and non-discriminatory criteria.
    2. The standards for each position should be communicated to the employee by the supervisor when the employee is hired and at the onset of each evaluation period. Evaluations will be based on specific, objective, measurable and consistently applied criteria.
    3. Supervisors will provide appropriate documentation during the performance year, recognizing any significant improvement or deterioration in performance from the prior written performance evaluation.
    4. Supervisors should utilize the standard electronic performance evaluation form provided by the Office of Human Resources to evaluate employees.
  2. Procedures

    1. The employee’s immediate supervisor will conduct the annual performance evaluation using the designated electronic performance management system. Supervisors meet individually with their direct reports to discuss the evaluation. The evaluation meeting should be conducted privately in a location free from interruptions. The evaluation and any supporting documentation should be available for review by the supervisor and employee at the time of meeting.

    2. Unsatisfactory Performance. In cases where an employee’s performance is deemed unsatisfactory, supervisors should consult with the Office of Human Resources to determine the appropriate performance improvement method. If at any time an employee’s performance warrants written documentation due to significant improvement or deterioration in performance, the supervisor will complete appropriate documentation recognizing the change in performance. Improvements in performance should be acknowledged by a memorandum to the employee’s personnel file. If an employee’s performance fails to meet expectations for their job assignment, documentation should be initiated by the supervisor in accordance with HOP 4.16.4, Discipline/Dismissal of Classified Employees and/or HOP 4.15.1, Probationary Period for Classified Employees.

    3. Requests for salary increases related to promotions and merit awards will require that a current performance evaluation be on file with the Office of Human Resources. 

  3. Probationary Employees. Supervisors will evaluate newly appointed regular classified staff (non-faculty) during the first six months of employment. A formal evaluation will be conducted prior to the 180th day of employment using the designated electronic performance management system. Results of these evaluations will be the basis for retention or release of the employee. If an employee is terminated prior to the 180th day of appointment, no performance evaluation will be required. 

  4. Compliance as an Element of Performance Evaluation. Directors, managers, and supervisors are responsible for direct oversight of employees to ensure that all activities are performed in accordance with the applicable laws, policies, and procedures for their particular area of responsibility, and their success may be one measure of their evaluation process.

  5. Grievance. An employee may grieve the Annual Evaluation to the extent authorized in accordance with HOP 4.19.1, Grievance Policy and Procedures.

E. Responsibilities

  1. Supervisor. Direct supervisors will conduct annual written performance evaluations for all applicable employees using the designated electronic performance management system.

    1. Timely completion and submission to the Office of Human Resources of all applicable employees’ performance evaluations by submitting completed evaluations by the deadline. 
    2. Conducts written performance evaluation updates, or makes performance notes in the employee’s file if, at any time, an employee’s performance reflects a significant improvement or deterioration.
  2. Human Resources. The Office of Human Resources will issue a general reminder to supervisors to complete assigned evaluations during the specified evaluation period. 
    1. Ensures that all applicable employees have been evaluated in a timely manner.
    2. Maintains electronic record of employee evaluations.

F. Review

This policy shall be reviewed by the Office of Human Resources every five years or as legislation changes.



LAST AMENDED:  02/2019

AMENDED: 12/2021