2.8.1 Inclement Weather Policy

A.  Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for maintaining effective staffing levels and a safe environment for students, employees, patients, and visitors of The University of Texas at Tyler main and Health Science Center campuses during periods of inclement weather. This policy will also establish the process and responsible parties for canceling or postponing university classes and/or campus closure during incidents of inclement weather. 

B.  Persons Affected

All employees of The University of Texas at Tyler.

C.  Definitions

Inclement Weather - atmospheric conditions at a definite time and place that present a potential risk to the health, safety, or property.

Essential Personnel - staff members or positions identified within each department as critical to the successful operation of the department in fulfilling the operations mission and ensuring patient, employee, and student care.

Emergency Staffing - the minimal level of staffing that safely allows for university operations and care to continue.

D. Policy

The University of Texas at Tyler shall notify the campus community, including all employees, students, patients, and visitors, of any severe inclement weather. All employees shall follow the severe weather procedures during periods of inclement weather in order to assure staffing levels are maintained while providing for the safety of the campus community. 

E. Responsibilities

The following positions/departments hold significant responsibility in implementing this policy and the below procedures in order to navigate our campus community safely through a severe or inclement weather event.

  1. The University of Texas at Tyler President
  2. UT Tyler Main and Health Science Center Campus Emergency Management Coordinators
  3. UT Tyler Main and Health Science Center Campus Police Chiefs
  4. UT Tyler Main and Health Science Center Campus Telecommunications Staff
  5. Hospital Administration, Chief Nursing Officer, and Nursing Supervisors
  6. UT Tyler Main and Health Science Center Environmental Health and Safety personnel
  7. Adverse Weather Committee
  8. Houston Community College – Alief Hayes Campus Leadership

F.  UT Tyler Main Campus Procedures

The main campus telecommunications center will serve as the 24 hour warning point and the central monitoring point for severe weather. Dispatch receives information 24/7 from:

  • The National Weather Service
  • Internet weather-based systems
  • Television
  • City of Tyler Police Dispatch
  • State Emergency Bulletins via TLETS (Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunication System)

Storm “watch” postings will start communications between police dispatch and the Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC). The EMC will determine when to be present in the EOC based on the individual situation and input from the Chief of Police. Once the inclement weather poses a potential risk of involving any of the university’s campus locations, the EMC will monitor situations from the EOC and dispatch center, while also consulting with the Chief of Police, and remain until the threat has passed.

The University will utilize all methods of public communication to alert the campus community without regard for time of day or day of the week. The same contact procedures will generally be use based on the assumption that it is our responsibility to inform and protect all students and employees to the best of our ability at all times. 

In the event of a possible tornado, University employees should assist moving students to designated shelter areas or first-floor windowless areas as available.

Students enrolled at the Houston Engineering Center should follow the inclement weather procedure for Houston Community College – Alief Hayes Campus. 

Response Activities

  1. University Police shall
    1. At the onset or anticipation of adverse weather, the Chief of Police shall monitor road conditions with the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Tyler Police Department as well as campus condition and weather forecasts and reports from the National Weather Service.
    2. Activate the Emergency Communication System.
    3. Cooperate and communicate with other public agencies on storm status and response.
    4. Monitor weather and issue advisories as needed.
    5. Maintain security and assist with assessing safety on campus.
  2. Physical Plant shall
    1. Maintain campus generators.
    2. Pre-designate staff to remain on campus during severe weather.
    3. Ensure an adequate fuel supply (5 days) for university vehicles.
    4. Coordinate damage assessment and recovery of vehicles.
    5. Coordinate outside contractors for recovery operations and place them on stand-by.
  3. Environmental Health and Safety shall
    1. Equip all pertinent campus areas with NOAA weather radios.
    2. Designate severe weather shelter areas for all buildings
    3. Ensure DSLs are trained for severe weather procedures.
  4. Departmental Safety Liaisons (DSLs) shall
    1. Become familiar with the university’s severe weather policies and procedures.
    2. Direct students, faculty, staff, and visitors to safe areas during severe weather.
    3. Report any safety concerns related to severe weather policies to the Director of EH&S.
  5. Residence Life shall
    1. Ensure training and proper equipping of Resident Assistants for severe weather.
    2. Prepare instruction sheets for students who will remain on campus during breaks or holiday on whom to contact during an emergency and other emergency procedures.
  6. Food Services shall
    1. Be prepared to initiate food preparation plans in the event of power loss.
    2. Maintain a plan for providing emergency food service for resident students, employees, and emergency workers who may remain on campus during severe weather.
  7. Information Technology shall
    1. Ensure all mission-critical data under I.T. control is regularly backed up.
    2. Develop plans to restore I.T. services as soon as possible following an outage related to inclement weather.
  8. The V.P. of Marketing and Communications shall
    1. Coordinate response to inclement weather with local entities such as Tyler Junior College, Tyler Independent School District, and the Longview and Palestine Campuses regarding their plans.
    2. Coordinate communication with media and other outside entities and provide relevant details to the Provost.

Campus Closure Activities

  1. Inclement weather may require cancellation of classes, office hours, or a full closure of the main campus. In this case, The University of Texas at Tyler President, or his designee, may determine that the inclement weather may make traveling to or from campus hazardous to students, faculty, and staff. Only the President of the University, or his designee, is authorized to cancel or postpone classes/office hours and/or close the University. 
  2. The decision regarding the cancellation or postponement of classes and office hours (or closure) should be made in consultation with the Inclement Weather Committee, which shall be comprised of the Main Campus Chief of Police, the Emergency Management Coordinator, and the V.P. of Marketing and Communications. The Inclement Weather Committee members will share information collected and make a recommendation to the President who will then make a decision at his discretion.
Recovery Activities
  1. Upon cessation of inclement weather, the Chief of Police, or his designee, will direct the EMC to send an “All Clear” message via the Patriot Alert system.
  2. Post incident, the Provost will organize and conduct a review of emergency operations by those tasked in this plan. The purpose of this review is to identify needed improvements in this plan, procedures, facilities, and equipment.
  3. The Chief of Police, EMC, and Director of EH&S shall maintain accurate logs recording evacuation and sheltering decisions, significant activities, and the commitment of resources to support operations.

G. UT Tyler Health Science Center Campus Procedures

Mitigation Activities

The following list represents some of the activities undertaken to lessen the adverse impact winter weather may have on the Health Science Center campus.

  1. The telecommunications department staff has access to weather information 24 hours per day.
  2. The geographical area where the Health Science Center campus is located does not routinely receive winter weather that results in snowy or icy conditions.

Preparedness Activities

The following activities are undertaken to assure the Health Science Center is prepared to react to winter weather.

  1. Staff receive training in winter weather response procedures.
  2. The UT Tyler Health Science Center campus maintains a comprehensive plan for responding to winter weather conditions related to staffing levels.
  3. Key Leaders (i.e., Administrator, Nursing Supervisors, etc.) are trained in the Incident Command System.
  4. Each department maintains a “staff recall” list that is activated at the direction of the Incident Commander (IC).
  5. Each department maintains current “emergency staffing forms” for all staff for use during periods of inclement weather.
  6. Each department identifies “essential staffing positions” and maintains the list up to date.

Response Activities

  1. When notice is received that the campus may be exposed to inclement weather conditions, the telecommunications operator will notify the following:
    1. IC on call
    2. Director of Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) or their designee
    3. Chief of Police
    4. Engineering Director or their designee
    5. Chief Nursing Officer
    6. Hospital Nursing Supervisor
  2. Telecommunications shall:
    1. Announce the inclement weather conditions via the overhead paging system.
    2. Continue with notifications as directed.
    3. Update the 24-hour hotline (87-STORM) concerning the inclement weather.
    4. Routinely update 87-STORM hotline with latest information regarding the event and current operations.
  3. Incident Commander shall:
    1. Respond to the facility and open the Incident Command Center
    2. Expand the Incident Command System as required (Operations Section Chief, Safety, and PIO).
    3. Confer with the Hospital Nursing Supervisor, Administrator on Call, Chief Nursing Officer, and Safety Officer on the status of the facility, patient census, and scheduled appointments (including emergency staffing level requirements).
    4. Consider implementing the Childcare Center for employees’ children should daycare centers be closed due to the weather conditions.
    5. Maintain operations and Incident Command Center until weather conditions improve and employees are able to navigate roads successfully.
    6. Arrange for relieve Incident Command System staff scheduling (depending on the projected length of the inclement weather event).
    7. Consider locations suitable for employee lodging, should road conditions deteriorate to the point of impassability, necessitating the need for employees to remain on campus.
    8. Establish briefing times and locations for providing updates to operations council members.
  4. Safety Officer shall:
    1. Monitor weather conditions for effect on campus, including walking and driving surfaces.
    2. Work with facilities department to ensure safety of pedestrians on walking surfaces, as well as the road conditions on the campus.
    3. Collaborate with the IC on other issues related to the event.
  5. Department Directors shall:
    1. Notify staff of the inclement weather
    2. Direct supervisors to establish required emergency staffing levels based on patient census and appointments (prioritizing essential employee positions).
    3. Send copies of Emergency Staffing Forms to the Incident Command Center.
    4. Consider rotational schedules utilizing essential staff should road conditions deteriorate causing current staff to remain on the campus.

Recovery Activities

  1. Upon cessation of inclement weather, the IC will direct the telecommunications staff to announce the “Severe Weather All Clear” via the overhead paging system.
  2. The telecommunications department will update 87-STORM to reflect the change in the weather status.
  3. The IC will collect and assemble all event documentation.
  4. The IC will call an event debriefing for all Incident Command Staff members.
  5. The IC will close the Incident Command Center and forward all event document to the EH&S department.

H.  Review

This policy shall be reviewed every five years by the President in consultation with the Vice Presidents.


LAST AMENDED: 04/22/2009 

REVIEWED:  AY 2014-15

AMENDED:  04/2019

AMENDED: 11/2021