COMD 5353 Language Disorders in Children- K-12
This course focuses on the assessment, treatment, and prevention of receptive and expressive language disorders and social communication disorders in children from kindergarten through grade 12. The course explores the biological, cognitive, cultural, and socioeconomic factors pertinent to normal development of language and social communication, and influencing diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of these disorders. Students will learn about the various tests, diagnostic batteries, protocols, and procedures used to assess receptive and expressive language skills and social communication skills in the school-age population. They will learn how to collect case history and medical information and relate it to test scores to identify individuals with language disorders. They will learn how to develop diagnostic reports and treatment plans. They will analyze case studies and answer analytical, problem-based questions, and be familiar with the various treatment approaches and techniques. They will develop therapy objectives and procedures, document progress data, and learn about the ethical and legal regulations governing the delivery of health care services. Additionally, they will familiarized with the various treatment resources that are used for the effective treatment of language disorders in children from K through grade 12.
Admissions Prerequisites