Tuition charges at Texas state universities are established by state law. The 78th Texas Legislature (2003) allowed the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System to set designated tuition rates. The Texas Legislature does not set the specific amount for any particular student fee. Student fees assessed are authorized by state statute; however, the specific fee amounts and the determination to increase fees are made by the University administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents.
Other expenses at The University of Texas at Tyler are fixed within statutory limitations by the Board of Regents. The cost to attend UT Tyler varies with the individual student. Information relating to the cost of attendance and financial aid opportunities can be found online at The university reserves the right to change tuition and fees in keeping with acts of the Texas Legislature and/or policies of the Board of Regents.
Payment of Fees
Students are expected to pay all fees at the time of registration, have an approved financial aid program arranged by the Student Financial Aid Office prior to registration, or pay by installments as outlined below. Payment may be made by cash, check, electronic check, credit card, or money order. Checks, money order, electronic check and credit card (VISA, Master Card, Discover, American Express) payments will be accepted subject to final collection by the university’s bank. All tuition and fee payments by third parties, i.e. employers of students, clubs, service organizations and relatives of students, must be arranged by The One-Stop Service Center (OSC) prior to registration.
Option to Pay Tuition and Fees by Installments
Eligible students of UT Tyler may make payment of tuition and fees for the fall, spring, summer semesters through one of the following installment plan options:
- 2 payment installment plan with an installment fee of $25.00
- 3 payment installment plan with an installment fee of 25.00
- 4 payment installment plan with an installment fee of $35.00
A late payment fee of $25 will be assessed for each late payment.
A student who fails to provide full payment of tuition and fees, including late fees assessed, when payments are due, is subject to one or more of the following actions:
- Bar from registration/deny readmission;
- Withholding of grades, degree and official transcript;
- Denial of course credit for work done that semester;
- Apply appropriate penalties as established by law;
- Referral of debt to collection agency.
Residents of States other than Texas
Residency Classifications
All students must, upon application to the University, complete a certification of residency form.
While State requirements for establishing residency are complex and should be referred to in each particular circumstance, they generally require that an independent individual (18 years of age or older) establish a domicile in Texas and reside in Texas for a period of 12 months prior to the census date of the academic term in which the person is enrolled.
For minors and dependents, the parents or court-appointed legal guardian must have established a domicile and meet the above residency requirements. The minor or dependent must be eligible to be claimed by the parent or court-appointed legal guardian on their federal income tax. An individual may also be classified as a Texas resident if the individual (1) graduated from a public or private high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma in Texas; (2) resided in Texas for at least three years as of the date the person graduated from high school or received the equivalent of a high school diploma; and (3) continuously resided in Texas for one year prior to the census date of the academic term in which the person is enrolled. Texas Education Code, 54.052.
Persons who are unable to meet the requirements above are classified as nonresidents.
The Office of Admissions is guided by the Texas Education Code, the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Regents and the Rules and Regulations for Determining Residence Status of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in determining the resident status of students. The law governing residence for tuition purposes is not the same as the law governing residence for voting, vehicle registration, etc. Various circumstances can affect a student’s residence status for tuition purposes: i.e. death or divorce of parents, custody of minor by court order, and active military duty of student or student’s parents. A nonresident student classification is presumed correct as long as the individual continues as a student. However, the nonresident presumption is not conclusive, and it is possible that a nonresident student may be reclassified to resident student status after residing in Texas for at least 12 months and evidencing unequivocal intent to remain in the state.
Responsibility for Residency Classification
The responsibility for registering under the proper residence is placed upon the student. It is the student’s duty, at or before registration, if there is any possible question of the right to legal residence in Texas under the state law and the university rules; to raise the question with the Office of Admissions and have such questions settled prior to registration. Copies of Rules and Regulations for Determining Residence Status prepared by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board are available in the Office of Admissions. There can be no change of resident status except upon express authorization by the Director of Admissions. Attempts on the part of a nonresident student to evade the nonresident fee are a serious matter and may lead to disciplinary action, including expulsion and/or penalty as set forth in the law.
Special Provisions for Students Using Military-Affiliated Educational Benefits
UT Tyler adopts the following provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. This school will not:
- Prevent the student’s enrollment;
- Assess a late penalty fee to the student;
- Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;
- Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.
However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:
- Produce the VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class;
- Provide a written request to be certified;
- Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies.
Additionally, the Texas Education Code prohibits institutions of higher of education from imposing “additional fees, obligations, or burdens concerning payment or registration on a student eligible for state or federal military related student financial assistance programs for military veterans or their family members that are not otherwise required by those programs to be imposed for the purpose of receiving that assistance.” Students who believe they are eligible for military affiliated educational benefits shall consult the Military and Veterans Success Center to discuss their options for tuition deferment as part of the certification process to use their benefits.
Special Tuition Classifications for Nonresidents
Listed below are some exceptions which permit nonresidents to pay resident tuition rates. All special tuition exceptions must be approved through The One-Stop Service Center (OSC) prior to the census date each term.
- A nonresident or foreign student employed at least half-time in a program-related position as a teaching assistant or a research assistant is entitled to pay the same tuition as a resident of Texas. The student’s spouse and children may also be enrolled under this classification.
- A nonresident or foreign student holding a competitive academic scholarship of at least $1,000 for the academic year in which he/she enrolled is entitled to pay the tuition required of Texas residents provided he/she competes with other students including Texas residents for the scholarship and the scholarship is awarded by a scholarship committee recognized by UT Tyler and approved by the Coordinating Board.
- Usually, a member of the United States military forces is entitled to pay the resident tuition fee for self or dependents. The student must submit appropriate evidence including a statement from his/her commanding officer stating that the member is currently on permanent active duty assignment within the state of Texas.
- Students who reside in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma may be charged the statutory rate for Texas residents, plus $30.00 per semester credit hour. Students must demonstrate residency by providing a current driver’s license or copies of their state tax returns for the current year. This must be presented each semester prior to payment of tuition and fees.
- Students who are using VA educational benefits under the federal Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008 or any other federal law authorizing educational benefits for veterans, including the spouse and/or children who are determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs to be eligible for benefits under the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act of 2008. Additionally, the Colonel John M. McHugh Tuition Fairness for Survivors Act of 2021 requires that individuals who are determined to be eligible for Dependents' Educational Assistance benefits by the Department of Veterans Affairs be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees, for all terms after August 1, 2022.
The Texas Education Code, §54.058 et seq. includes other exceptions not reprinted in the catalog. For more information consult the cited statutes, the Office of Student Financial Aid, or refer to the Coordinating Board's website,
Tuition and Fee Exemptions
Certain students are exempt from paying tuition and some of the required fees by state law. Specific eligibility requirements under these provisions can be obtained from The One-Stop Service Center (OSC). Applications for exemptions must be completed prior to the census date for the semester.
Tuition Exemptions and Waivers
Adopted Children formerly in Foster Care or other Residential Care
Texas Commission for the Blind
Texas Commission for the Deaf
Children of Disabled or Deceased Firemen, Peace Officers, Game Wardens, and Employees of Correctional Institutions
Children of Prisoners of War or Persons Missing in Action
Children of Professional Nursing Program Faculty
Children and Spouses of Texas Veterans
Firefighters taking Fire Science Courses
Peace Officer
Disabled Peace Officers
Economic Hardship
Members of State Military Forces/U.S. Military Stationed in Texas
Nursing Preceptors and their Children
Senior Citizen +65 Exemptions (Includes Audits)
Students formerly in Foster Care
Surviving Spouse and Dependent Children of Certain Deceased Public Servants (Employees)
Hazlewood Exemption
Competitive Scholarship Waiver
Teaching/Research Assistant Waiver*
Teacher/Professor Tuition Waiver
100 Mile State Waiver
Valedictorian of Texas High School Exemption
*See the UT Tyler Graduate Assistantship Policy for graduate student eligibility requirements.
For a complete listing of all exemptions, and waivers, scholarships, and grants offered by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, please refer to:
Continued receipt of a tuition and fee exemption and/or waiver is conditioned on the student maintaining a GPA for making satisfactory academic progress and, if an undergraduate, not completing an excessive number of credit hours. (Texas Education Code, Sections 54.2001 and 54.2002)
Tuition Rebate for Qualified Students
A qualified student is eligible to apply for a rebate of a portion of the undergraduate tuition the student has paid, in accordance with Section 54.0065 of the Texas Education Code. The 1997 Texas Legislature approved a tuition rebate plan for students receiving their first baccalaureate degree. To be eligible for this rebate a student must be a Texas resident who enrolled for the first time in an institution of higher education in the fall of 1997 or later. The student must have attempted all work at a Texas public institution of higher education and have been entitled to pay resident tuition at all times while pursuing the degree. The student must not have attempted more than three hours in excess of the minimum required for the degree, including transfer credits and course credit earned exclusively by examination. Only the number of semester credit hours earned exclusively by examination in excess of nine semester credit hours is treated as hours attempted. The student must also graduate in a timely manner. Timely graduation is defined as four calendar years from the first semester of enrollment in college courses after high school graduation. Certain degree programs, including architecture and engineering, are permitted five calendar years.
Rebate Application forms are available through The One-Stop Service Center (OSC). Eligible students must apply for this rebate prior to the final day of their semester of graduation.
Schedule of Refunds
If a student formally drops one or more courses (partially withdraws) through The One-Stop Service Center (OSC), the university will refund applicable tuition and fees collected for courses from which a student drops within the first 12 days of a fall or spring semester or a summer term of 10 weeks or longer, within the first four days of a term or session of more than five weeks but less than 10 weeks, or within the first day of a term or session of five weeks or less, provided the student remains enrolled at the institution for that semester or term.
Refunds for courses dropped by a student who later in the semester or term completely withdraws from the institution will be calculated according to the following schedule:
A term or session 10 weeks or longer
prior to first class day
during first five class days
during second five class days
during third five class days
during fourth five class days
after fourth five class days
no refund
A term or session more than 5 weeks but less than 10 weeks
prior to first class day
during the first, second, or third class day
during fourth, fifth, or sixth class day
seventh class day and thereafter
no refund
A term or session of 5 weeks or less |
prior to first class day
during the first class day
during the second class day
during the third class day and thereafter
no refund
For refunds, the effective date of withdrawal will be the date when the withdrawal is officially completed and recorded by The One-Stop Service Center (OSC). If a scheduled course of instruction is cancelled by the university, all fees will be refunded. No refunds will be made unless applied for in the same school year as withdrawal. Immediate refund will not be made to students who withdraw during the refund period. Normally, refunds will be disbursed according to the refund preference indicated through the P2 Card within 30 days from the last day of scheduled refunds.
All policies regarding the payment or refunding of tuition, fees, and charges comply with applicable statutes and are approved by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System. If a person desires clarification of any matter relating to payment or refund of such charges, or believes special circumstances warrant exceptions to the published policy, the Office of Business Affairs at UT Tyler should be contacted.
Withdrawal – Financial Aid Recipients. If you withdraw or drop out from the University of Texas at Tyler during any semester for which you have been paid financial aid funds, any refund of tuition and fees and other university charges will be assessed for return to programs from which you (or parents if they received a Parent Loan) were originally paid. An additional “repayment” calculation will determine if you must repay a portion of your financial aid.
Return of Unearned Title IV Funds (due to complete withdrawal in a term)
(34 CFR 668.22)
As an institution participating in programs under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 as amended, (HEA, Section 484B), The University of Texas at Tyler is required to determine the earned and unearned Title IV aid as of the date a student withdraws from all courses within a term and return the unearned portion to the appropriate Title IV program.
The Return of Title IV Funds regulations do not dictate the institution’s refund policy for tuition and fee charges.
The return of federal funds is required if a student fails to attend, withdraws from, or otherwise fails to complete the period of enrollment for which the financial assistance was intended. After the 60% point in the period of enrollment, a student has earned 100% of the Title IV funds therefore, no return is required. Students are advised to visit with a financial aid staff member prior to submitting a request for complete withdrawal.
The unearned portion will show on the student’s account as an outstanding balance that must be paid in full prior to receiving official UT Tyler records.
Additional information in reference to Return to Title IV Funds and Withdrawals can be found here:
Tuition and Mandatory Fees
Students pay a statutory tuition rate of $50 per semester credit hour for Texas Residents (See below, Excess Hours) and $470 per semester credit hour for Non-Texas Residents. Students also pay a designated tuition of $184 per undergraduate credit hour or $313 per graduate semester credit hour; and $360 per doctoral semester credit hour. Non-Texas Resident students also pay a designated tuition of $274 per undergraduate credit hour or $391 per graduate semester credit hour; and $449 per doctoral semester credit hour. Lastly, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students enrolled in 3000–6000 level Business, Engineering and Nursing courses will be charged a differential tuition rate of $30 per semester credit hour.
Students will be given notice on their tuition bill, tuition receipt or an email in connection with tuition charges, of the amount of his/her tuition payment that is required to be set aside to provide financial assistance for students enrolled at the institution per the Texas Education Code, Section 56.014.
Tuition and fees are subject to change by legislative or regental action and become effective on the date enacted. The Texas Legislature does not set the specific amount for any particular student fee. The student fees assessed above are authorized by state statute; however, the specific fee amounts and the determination to increase fees are made by the university administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents. Tuition and fee updates can be found at
In addition to tuition, all students are required to pay a set of mandatory fees, as set out below. A semester is equal to a fall, spring or summer semester.
Automated Service Fee
To defray costs of the automated student information system, software provided for student use, and library services.
Technology Fee
To defray costs of providing campus computing services in support of academic programs.
Student Service Fee
$13/credit hour up to $150/semester
To provide a well-rounded program of activities and services for students of the university. Refunds of these fees are on the same basis as tuition as described under schedule of refunds.
Fine and Performing Arts Fee
$30/fall & spring semester; $15/ summer & winter session
To offset the maintenance and operation of the R. Don Cowan Fine and Performing Arts Center.
Intercollegiate Athletics Fee
$18 per semester credit hour
(min. $108 max. $270)
To maintain the intercollegiate athletics programs. Maximum $240 per semester.
Recreational Facility Fee
$70/fall & spring semester;
$52/12 weeks summer session or longer;
$26/6 weeks summer session or more, but less than 12 weeks
$17/5 weeks or less summer or winter session
To operate and maintain student recreational facilities or programs.
International Education Fee
To fund scholarships for students participating in various international study abroad programs.
Medical Services Fee
$50/semester and 12 weeks summer session;
$25/7 weeks session or less (fall, spring, summer and winter)
To help operate and maintain the student health clinic.
Records Fee
To defray the cost of supporting the University in appropriately maintaining a student’s records.
Student Union Fee
$100/semester or summer session greater than six weeks
$50/6 weeks or less summer or winter session
Provides revenue for financing, constructing, operating, maintaining, renovating, improving, or equipping a student union building.
New Student Program Fee
$225 new freshman and new transfer students only
To support New Student Orientations and charged only to new freshmen and new transfer students during their first semester of enrollment at UT Tyler. |
Instructional Support Fee |
$22 per semester credit hour |
To defray cost of materials, equipment, and technical assistance directly associated with classroom activity. |
Online Education Fee
Graduate and Doctoral
$14 per semester credit hour
$25 per semester credit hour
To defray costs of providing online education in support of academic programs. |
Student Success Fee |
$50/semester |
To support initiatives that help students persist, graduate and secure desirable careers upon graduation.
Houston Engineering Center Fee |
$175/fall & spring semester;
$150/12 weeks summer session or longer;
$135/7 weeks session (fall, spring or summer);
$75/6 weeks or less summer or winter session |
To support the unique needs of the Houston Engineering Center campus.
Guaranteed Tuition Rate Plan
The University of Texas at Tyler offers a guaranteed tuition rate plan for all incoming freshman and undergraduate transfer students entering UT Tyler in fall 2014 or thereafter. The plan is available only to incoming students who are seeking their first bachelor’s degree. The plan does not apply to continuing undergraduates or graduate students. Community College students may opt for the guaranteed tuition rate plan by declaring an intent to transfer to UT Tyler. Once the guaranteed tuition rate plan option has been selected, changing to the traditional tuition plan is not allowed. The guaranteed tuition rate plan provides a constant per-semester-hour tuition rate for 12 consecutive semesters. More information, including on how to sign up on the guaranteed tuition rate plan, can be found at
Other Fees and Charges
Add Fee
This fee will be charged for each course added after the first week of classes.
$5 |
Audit Fee
For information on Auditing and Audit Fees, refer to Undergraduate Academic Policies - Auditing.
Graduation Application Fee
This fee is charged at time of the Graduation Application submission via the MyUTTyler Student Center. An application can be submitted during the Open Graduation Application Period that corresponds to the relevant Graduation Term. See current academic calendar on UT Tyler website for current dates of the Open Graduation Application Period. This fee covers the processing of the Graduation Application and Graduation related expenses, as these are not covered under general tuition and fee expenses.
$75 |
Late Graduation Application Fee
Applicable fee charged at time of the Late Graduation Application submission, following the Open Graduation Application Period that corresponds to the relevant Graduating Term.
$115 |
Replacement Diploma Fee
Students who desire a new copy of their diploma are required to pay the replacement diploma fee and complete a Diploma Reorder Form. Students should pay the fee and submit their form at The One-Stop Service Center (OSC). Replacement diplomas are typically mailed or made available for pickup in 4-6 weeks.
$25 |
Drop Fee
Fee will be charged for each course dropped after the first week of classes, except when the change is considered the fault of the university.
$5 |
Field Experience and Student Teaching Fee
This is a one-time, nonrefundable fee to defray costs of speech and hearing tests, supervisory travel, maintenance and operation costs, and wages associated with the School of Education and Psychology's field experience and student teaching program.
Undergraduate |
$125 |
Graduate |
$250 |
Installment Tuition Fees
Installment fee depending on the installment plan you choose/academic term.
Delinquency fee for each delinquent payment. |
$25-$45 |
$25 |
Internship in Student Teaching |
$1,600 |
Individual Coaching or Instructional Fee
Students enrolled in art, drama, speech, or music, where individual coaching or instruction is the usual method of instruction, shall pay a fee in addition to the regular tuition as follows:
Regular Semester |
Summer Term |
0-1 |
$50 |
$50 |
2 |
$75 |
$74 |
3 |
$90 |
$89 |
$50-$90 |
International Students Mandatory Health Insurance Coverage
International students with an F or J visas are automatically enrolled in the UT System Student Health Insurance Program (UT SHIP). The health insurance fee will be assessed at the time of enrollment. International students may submit a waiver during the waiver period only. However, the policy must meet or exceed UT SHIP insurance requirements. If the waiver is approved by the waiver team, the insurance charge on the student bill will be removed. The health insurance fee will be in the amount of the premium approved by the UT System Student Health Insurance Plan for the actual cost of the insurance.
International Application Fee
A nonrefundable application fee, payable by cashier's check or money order, is required of all international students applying for admission to UT Tyler.
$25 |
Late Registration Fee
Those students initially registering, or re-enrolling after being dropped for non-payment, during the period from the first day of class through the Census Date will be assessed a late fee.
$25 |
Library Fees
For library charges and fines visit
Parking Fees
All full- and part-time students, faculty and staff who operate a motor vehicle on property or streets owned or controlled by the university are required to have and display a valid UT Tyler issued parking permit on their vehicle. Motor vehicles will be issued a parking permit with a single payment for the academic year (September 1 through August 31) or for the balance of the year registered, whichever is applicable. The following fees will be charged at the initial period of registration:
Full Year (9/1-8/31); Fall and/or Spring Semesters |
$80 students
$100 faculty/staff |
Summer I and Long Summer |
$20 |
Summer II (July & August) |
$10 |
An individual is authorized to purchase additional permits at the same cost as the initial permits according to the Permit Fee Schedule. One permit will be issued per permit fee. Sharing of permits is not allowed. Individuals are responsible for any violation(s) issued to a permit registered to them.
Post Census Registration Fee
Those students registering after the census day will be assessed a post census registration fee.
$250 |
Replacement Student and Faculty/Staff ID
This fee is used to defray costs of labor and materials.
$25 |
Returned Check and Electronic Check Collection Charge
If a check or electronic check is returned from the bank unpaid for any reason, the student will be assessed a collection fee for each check or electronic check returned. The student must pay the full amount of the returned check plus the fee immediately in cash, cashier’s check, money order, or credit card. In the event of nonpayment of a returned check, one or more of the following actions may be taken: (a) a bar against readmission for the student, (b) withholding the student’s grades and official transcript, (c) withholding a degree to which the student otherwise would be entitled, (d) all other penalties and actions authorized by law. In addition, the check may be turned over to the District Attorney of Smith County, Texas for prosecution. The University will not accept a check or electronic check from a student (a) who wrote a bad check or electronic check to pay off a previous debt owed to the University, (b) who after writing a bad check or electronic check was not responsive to requests for payments, and (c) who habitually writes bad checks or electronic checks, even though restitution is made promptly.
$25 |
Student Insurance
Sickness and accident insurance is available to all UT Tyler students and their dependents on a voluntary basis and offers students an opportunity to purchase coverage. Additional information regarding the student insurance program may be obtained from the Student Services Office.
Student Nursing Liability Insurance
To cover liability insurance costs for students in clinical practicum in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences. (Based upon semester enrollment to be paid annually.) |
$5-$15 |
Test Fee
To defray costs associated with administering and scoring Miller Analogy Test. |
$15 |
Textbooks and Supplies
It is a responsibility of each student to provide his/her own textbooks and supplies. The University Bookstore, located in the University Center, is the primary source of these materials as well as other merchandise related to the academic community. Books, supplies, ancillary and gift items are now available for purchase via the world wide web at A shipping fee of $5.00 will be added to all orders requesting delivery.
Refunds: When a student finds it necessary to return a book to the University Bookstore for refund, the cash register receipt for the original purchase must be presented. Refunds are available for a limited time from date of purchase. Check with bookstore for exact limits.
Textbook buybacks: As a service to students, the bookstore will purchase selected, used, current edition textbooks provided they are in good condition. Prices for individual textbooks are based on present stock level, projected use and/or used textbook catalogs maintained by the bookstore.
Note: Student identification cards are required when selling books; driver's license ID required when purchasing by check in the University Bookstore. Personal checks may be cashed in the University Bookstore (limit $15 per day per student).
Transcript Fee
To defray the cost of processing, printing and delivering transcripts upon student request.
$10 per Electronically Sent Transcript
$12 per Printed, Mailed, Sent Transcript
Tuition and Fees for Excess Hours
As authorized by state law, a student who pays resident tuition rates and who attempts hours that exceed a designated limit will be charged nonresident tuition rates. The designated limit for a student who initially enrolled in an institution of higher education in Fall 1999 through Summer 2006 is 45 credit hours beyond the required hours for the student's declared degree program. The designated limit for a student who initially enrolled in an institution of higher education in Fall 2006 or later is 30 credit hours beyond the hours required for completion of the student’s degree program.
The following semester credit hours are not included in the calculation:
- semester credit hours earned by the student 10 or more years before the date the student begins the new degree program under the Academic Fresh Start Program of the Texas Education Code, § 51.931;
- hours earned by the student before receiving a baccalaureate degree that has previously been awarded to the student;
- hours earned by the student by examination or similar method without registering for a course
- hours from remedial and developmental courses, workforce education courses, or other courses that would not generate academic credit that could be applied to a degree at the institution if the course work is within the 27-hour limit at two-year colleges and the 18-hour limit at general academic institutions;
- hours earned by the student at a private institution or an out-of-state institution; and
- hours not eligible for formula funding.
For more information contact The One-Stop Service Center (OSC).
Doctoral Excess Hours (99-hour Rule)
A resident doctoral student who has a total of 100 or more semester credit hours of doctoral work at an institution of higher education is required to pay nonresident doctoral tuition rates. Contact The One-Stop Service Center (OSC) for more information.