5.6.3 Guidelines for Student Travel and Off-Campus Activities (Exceeding 25 Miles)
A. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to set forth University rules and procedures regarding student travel and to comply with The University of Texas system policy and State Law (Texas Education Code §51.950) relating to student travel.
B. Persons Affected
C. Definitions
Responsible University Official (RUO) – the staff adviser, coordinator, director, faculty member or other paid professional person overseeing the official campus activity.
D. Policy and Procedures
All students traveling on behalf of the University, either domestic or international must seek approval through a sponsoring department. Appropriate requests for approval for travel and supporting documentation must be completed and filed with the appropriate office according to the time frame outlined by University officials. At least one RUO must accompany students on any off-campus activity. RUO’s are responsible for knowing the University Code of Conduct and its policies. The consequences of noncompliance must be made clear to participants and the RUO must take appropriate action when aware that participants are in violation.
Travelers must adhere to the policy if the activity or event meets all of the following criteria and is undertaken by one or more currently enrolled students to reach an activity or event:
The activity or event is sponsored, organized and funded by UT Tyler.
The activity or event is located more than twenty-five (25) miles from UT Tyler.
The activity or event is either:
undertaken, using a vehicle owned or leased by the institution; or
attendance at the activity or event is required by a registered student organization and approved in writing by the Vice President for Student Success
Travel by Graduate Students:
Graduate students may travel domestically without being accompanied by an RUO but must seek approval for travel following the time frame outlined by University officials for domestic travel.
Graduate students cannot serve as RUOs when traveling with undergraduate students. Graduate students who travel internationally will follow all requirements for International Travel.
International Travel:
All international travel involving students whether academic, research, athletic, organizational, service or professional must follow the procedures outlined by the Office of International Programs.
A Request for Approval of Foreign Travel – Faculty/Staff Sponsored Student International Travel form must be completed and submitted to the Office of International Programs via DocuSign in the time frame outlined by University officials.
Guidelines have been extrapolated from The University of Texas System Business Procedures Memorandum 16-30-02, 16-05-02 and the POLICY ON STUDENT TRAVEL, adopted by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas System, November 8, 2001, and apply to off-campus trips. RUOs must be familiar with these documents.
Refer to the UT Tyler Student Affairs Manual of Policies and Procedures, Chapter 13, for important procedural information and the travel approval forms that must be completed prior to travel.
E. Responsibilities
The Vice President for Student Success is responsible for this policy.
F. Review
This policy should be reviewed every five years or sooner if necessary by the following stakeholders:
Vice President for Student Success
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Student Government Association President
Dean of Students
LAST AMENDED: 04/13/2011
AMENDED: 04/2019
LAST REVIEW: 10/20/21