5.4.2 Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act

A. Purpose

Background. The murder of Jeanne Clery occurred in 1986 at Lehigh University. Clery, who was a freshman at the time of her death, was raped and killed in her campus dormitory. Clery's parents, who believed the University had failed to share vital information with its students regarding campus safety, campaigned for legislative reform for several years following their daughter's death. Their efforts resulted in the passage of the Clery Act in 1990, a federal law requiring all universities and colleges receiving federal student financial aid programs to report crime statistics, alert campus of imminent dangers, and distribute an Annual Campus Security Report to current and prospective students and employees.

The purpose of this policy is to provide insight on the Clery Act and to foster a campus culture that is determined to abide by the regulations of the Clery Act in order to maintain a safe learning and working environment for all students, employees and the community. Furthermore, this policy is in place to comply with and further implement the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act, by mandating the reporting of security policies, procedures and crime statistics to all students, employees, and the US Department of Education. 

B. Persons Affected

Students, faculty and staff

C. Definitions

Campus Security Authority: An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student housing, student discipline, athletics, campus police and campus judicial proceedings.

D. Policy and Procedures

In compliance with the Campus Security Act (the Clery Act), UT Tyler collects information on campus crime statistics and campus security policies.

This law requires timely reports to the campus community on crimes considered to be an immediate threat to students and/or employees that are reported to the campus police, any Campus Security Authority, and/or local police agencies. UT Tyler will publish and distribute an Annual Security Report (ASR) containing campus security policies and crime statistics to all current students and employees and provide hard copies of the report to applicants for enrollment or employment upon request.

The Annual Security Report will contain statistics for the following crimes that occur on UT Tyler owned or controlled property.

Sex Offenses (Forcible or Non-Forcible)
Aggravated Assault
Motor Vehicle Theft
Hate Crimes
Domestic Violence
Dating Violence

The ASR will also contain the number of arrests and referrals for liquor, drug, and weapons law violations.

Additionally, The Annual Security Report discusses in depth safety awareness and crime prevention programs, information and strategies in which students and employees should make themselves aware of to aid in the prevention of crimes on campus. 

Pursuant to the federal law, alleged victims of violent crime are entitled to know the results of campus student disciplinary proceedings concerning the alleged perpetrators.

E. Responsibilities

The University of Texas at Tyler Chief Business Officer is responsible for this policy.

F. Review

This policy shall be reviewed every five years or sooner if necessary by the following stakeholders:

Chief Business Officer
Chief of Police
Campus Security Compliance Manager
Dean of Students
Director of Conduct and Intervention
Director of Human Resources

AMENDED:   04/2019

AMENDED: 10/2021