Repeating Courses

A student may request grade replacement for only two course repeats (See Repeating Courses policy) during their enrollment of a Master’s degree. For students pursuing additional Master’s degrees after completing their first Master’s degree at UT Tyler, course repeats will restart for students pursuing additional Master’s degrees. In concurrent Master’s programs, students will only be allowed two course repeats. Ph.D. students are ineligible for grade replacement. When a course is repeated for grade replacement, only grade points and attempted semester credit hours from the most recent attempt are used to calculate the GPA. However, all grades will appear on the student’s official transcript. Students must complete a Course Repeat / Grade Replacement Enrollment Form (found on the Registrar’s Form Library) and note the repeated course as “For Grade Replacement” at the time of enrollment.

In cases where a student repeats an eligible course without requesting grade replacement or has exhausted their available number of “For Grade Replacement” repeats, the student must note the course as repeated “Not for Grade Replacement” on a Course Repeat / Grade Replacement Enrollment Form at the time of enrollment. If a student selects “For Grade Replacement” after exhausting their available grade replacements, the form will be processed as if “Not for Grade Replacement” were selected. For all course repeats using the “Not for Grade Replacement” option, both the original and last grade earned in the course will be used to calculate the overall grade point average.

If a student attempts to repeat a course but withdraws and receives an automatic “W,” the attempt counts against the grade replacement limit and the original grade remains.

A student may not exercise grade replacement for courses taken at UT Tyler and repeated at another college or university, nor may grade replacement be used when a course taken elsewhere is repeated at UT Tyler. The grade replacement option may not be exercised to remove a grade awarded in a case of academic dishonesty. Once a degree has been awarded by UT Tyler, grade replacement may not be used to replace a grade taken before that degree was awarded.