Continuous Enrollment

A graduate student must be registered for a minimum of one credit hour in each session during which they are (a) completing coursework, (b) taking examinations, (c) preparing their thesis or dissertations, or (d) completing other projects such as a capstone, or a portfolio project.

Students are expected to register for class(es) each term in which they receive or expect to receive faculty advisement or assistance, use university facilities or resources, take comprehensive or proficiency exams, or defend a thesis or a dissertation.

Written requests for exceptions may be submitted to the Dean of The Graduate School for review and approval. 

Graduate students enrolled in programs with a thesis or dissertation requirement must maintain continuous enrollment in a thesis or dissertation course during each long semester until the thesis or dissertation has been formally approved by The Graduate School. 

In the event of an unexpected delay or complication, a graduate student who has completed all other degree requirements but has remaining IP grades, may petition to enroll in a 1-credit hour independent study course for the purpose of maintaining enrollment during degree completion. The petition must be approved by the student’s graduate academic program coordinator, department chair, and the Dean of The Graduate School. International students will need additional approval from the Office of International Programs to ensure they maintain legal status in the country.