IP Grade

The IP “in progress” grade is used for pre-defined courses such as internship or supervised practice in a public school setting that normally extend past the grading period deadline. It may also be used for a sequence of courses where a final grade is not recorded until the sequence is completed.  As an example, this will be applied to the thesis sequence when a Thesis I is preceded by a Thesis II and the grade in the latter course also initiates the need for grade in the former course.

Courses that use the “IP” grade are designated as such during the course approval process or grandfathered in on approval of the Office of Academic Affairs. The “IP” grade can only be applied to such courses and does not substitute for the “I” grade. An IP grade remains on the transcript until the final grade is changed via the Change of Grade electronic process.

Courses graded IP are not used in calculating a student’s grade point average.