Probation/Suspension for Master's Degree Students

The policy below is the minimum policy for graduate students at the University of Texas at Tyler. Individual programs may have stricter criteria for probation and/or suspension from a program.

Graduate Academic Probation

The following information on probation and suspension does not apply to doctoral students. Each doctoral program has its own guidelines for probation and suspension.

A graduate student who has a cumulative grade point average of less than 3.0 will be placed on academic probation. To determine compliance with the policies of academic probation, all summer sessions are treated as one semester.

Students placed on probation will automatically be dropped from the subsequent semester. Students will need to meet with their advisor, in-person or via Patriot email, and secure approval on the Graduate Student Probation Petition for Readmission form. Non-degree seeking students must obtain the signature of the Dean of the Graduate School in the place of the academic advisor. Students must submit the form to the One-Stop Services Center before they can be re-enrolled and should not register for more than nine hours (or fewer, at the discretion of the academic department.)

Students on academic probation must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above in the subsequent semester. Failure to do so results in continued probation. Students on continued probation must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above in the subsequent semester. Failure to do so results in a second term of continued probation. Continued probation status is allowed for only two terms, and failure to reach a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above following the second semester in this status will result in suspension (see Graduate Academic Suspension policy). Students placed on continued probation will also be dropped from the subsequent semester(s) and must follow the same procedure to re-enroll as described above for students placed on probation.

Grade points earned at other institutions are not used in computing the grade point average and may not be used to remove a deficiency. A student who leaves the University on academic probation or continued probation will be readmitted on academic probation or continued probation even if he or she has attended another institution in the interim.

Graduate Academic Suspension

A graduate student whose cumulative grade point average has not reached 3.0 or above following their second semester of continued probation will be suspended from the University for one semester or full summer for failure to meet the terms of continued probation. A student suspended from the University for the first time will be dropped from the subsequent semester(s) and must receive approval for readmission from the program advisor and the appropriate dean.

A student readmitted to the University after having been suspended must complete a Graduate Student Suspension Petition for Readmission form, with signatures from both their academic advisor and the appropriate college dean, to register. Non-degree seeking students must obtain the signature of the Dean of the Graduate School in the place of the academic advisor and college dean. The student will return on final probation.

Students returning from suspension and on final probation must earn a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above in the subsequent semester. Failure to do so will result in permanent dismissal from the graduate program and the University.