1.4.5 University Committees

A. Purpose

The purpose of this Policy is to establish the University committee structure and outline the general committee procedures and expectations.

B. Persons Affected 

This policy applies to all persons working with University committees, including without limitation Employees, faculty, students, volunteers, vendors, contractors, or community members.

C. Definitions

  1. Campus Organization Committee (COC): The committee charged by the President with making recommendations to the President regarding committee classifications and appointments.
  2. Committee charge: Summary statement of the committee's primary responsibilities, which typically remains unaltered.
  3. Committee charter: Sets out the objectives, authority, and processes of a particular committee, serves as a guide for how the committee operates, and ensures that all committee members are aligned with the committee's purpose and charge. 
  4. Executive committee: One of two categories of University committees.(see D.3.)
  5. Operational committee: One of two categories of University committees (see D.4.)
  6. University committee: A council, board, or committee designated by the President or divisional leadership that operates regularly with a unique, perpetual purpose, consistent charge, and clearly defined responsibilities (excludes the development board and advisory councils).
  7. Working group or ad hoc committee: Two or more individuals typically working towards the completion of an event, task, or obligation that is characterized by having a definitive purpose without ongoing obligations and expiring once that purpose is fulfilled.   

D. Policy 

1. Introduction

The University shall have a standard framework and general guidelines for organizing University Committees. That framework consists of two distinct categories of University committees: Executive and Operational.

2. General Guidelines

  1. Categories. The UT Tyler organizational structure consists of two categories of University Committees: Executive and Operational.
  2. Only when necessary. University committees should be kept to a minimum to avoid duplicative effort and unnecessary meetings.
  3. Short-term issues. Ad hoc committees and working groups should be used whenever possible to handle specific, short-term issues.
  4. Existing committees utilized. When a long-term issue arises, an attempt should be made to find a committee that may handle the issue appropriately within its existing charge.
  5. Titles. Committees should have specific titles that begin with identifying keywords rather than generic terms (e.g., Institutional Audit Committee rather than Committee on Institutional Audit).
  6. Clearly defined. The charge and responsibilities of the committee shall be clearly defined and communicated.
  7. Faculty representation. While some committees are regulated by state and/or federal agencies and have specific membership requirements, faculty representation on committees should be selected in consultation with Faculty Senate leadership. (For executive committees, this is accomplished through the COC.)
  8. Charter and charge. Each committee shall submit and maintain an up-to-date committee charter and committee charge to the Campus Organization Committee.
  9. Minutes of meetings. Committees are encouraged to keep minutes of meetings and/or record a summary of annual activity for accreditation purposes, historical reference, and committee efficacy.

3. Executive Committees

  1. Establishment. An executive committee is established by action of the President of the University, usually upon recommendation from the Campus Organization Committee. 
  2. Criteria. The designation is NOT permanent, is reviewed annually, and is determined by the committee meeting at least one of the following two (2) criteria:
    1. Current work. The President identifies the committee as executive based on the alignment of the committee’s current work or charge with strategic initiatives and executive priorities.
    2. Mandated. The committee is mandated per UT System, state, or federal rules and regulations and/or requires presidential approval to appoint members.
  3. Authority. Unless otherwise specifically designated by a UT System, state, or federal rule, executive committees are under the authority of the President and abide by the operational rules laid out in the committee charter and/or bylaws.

4.  Membership.

a. Appointment. Unless otherwise designated, the President shall appoint all members of executive committees via appointment letters.

b.    Appointment letters. Appointment letters are typically sent out prior to the beginning of the academic year.

c.    Vacancies. A vacancy in an unexpired term on any executive committee will be filled with a new appointment from the President, typically on the recommendation from the COC.

5. Specific information. Additional information regarding each executive committee is available on the University Committees webpage.  

4. Operational Committees

  1. Establishment. An operational committee is typically established by action of divisional leadership and does not meet the criteria of an executive committee.
  2. Authority. Operational committees are under the authority of the division leadership under which they were established and/or to whom they report.
  3. Membership. These committees will establish specific charters and/or bylaws to govern their operations, including selecting committee leadership and membership and filling vacancies in unexpired terms. Divisional leaders are responsible facilitating the population of committees. Membership can be appointed or elected depending on the committee's charter and/or bylaws. 
  4. Additional information. Additional information regarding each operational committee is available at the office of the vice president most closely associated with the area of primary responsibility of the committee.

5. Campus Organization Committee (COC)

The COC shall do the following:

  1. Appointment recommendations. Provide the President with timely recommendations for committee classifications and appointment recommendations.
  2. Oversight of committee structure. Work with the Office of Legal Affairs and the Office of Compliance to ensure the committee structure satisfies all UT System, state, and federal rules and regulations.
  3. Webpage. Maintain up-to-date information on the University Committees webpage.
  4. Appointment process. Administer the appointment process for University Committees. 

E. Reference Sources and Authority 

Regents’ Rules 60301: Development Board of an Institution

Regents’ Rules 60302: Advisory Councils of an Institution

University Committees

HOP 1.4.1 Development Board and Advisory Councils

F. Review Responsibilities and Dates 

The Division Head for this Policy is the Chief of Staff and this Policy shall be reviewed every three (3) years or sooner, if necessary, by the Division Head or their designee in consultation with the Chair of the Campus Organization Committee or their designee.

ORIGINATION: 12/01/2001 

AMENDED: 10/2022

REVISED: 01/11/2024