1.4.4 University Councils

A. Purpose

The following describes in general the make-up of University Councils at the University.

B. Duties and Responsibilities

  1. University Council

    The University Council meets once per month and is composed of the President, each Vice President, the Deans, the Chairs, all Directors, the current Faculty Senate President, the Chief of Police, and the Student Government Association President.

    The Council is responsible for exchanging important information about activities and opportunities that affect the University.

  2. President’s Cabinet

    The President’s Cabinet meets weekly, includes the university leadership and serves as the primary internal advisory body for the President.

    The Cabinet’s meetings provide a forum for discussing significant policy issues and recommending alternative solutions to problems.

    Cabinet membership will have senior leadership participation from areas of the university that include Academic Affairs, Student Success, Business Operations and Finance, Audit, Legal, Technology, Marketing, Athletics, Faculty Senate, Strategic Initiatives, and University Advancement. Other members may be designated by the President as needed. 

  3. University Staff Advisory Council

    The University Staff Advisory Council is an advisory body of UT Tyler through which staff members may make recommendations to the President relative to interests, concerns, and issues affecting the life and future of the University.


    Specifically, the UT Tyler Staff Advisory Council will:

    a. inform and advise the President on university issues from the staff perspective;
    b. develop ideas for improving UT Tyler services so that those services become recognized as the best in the State;
    c. promote a positive, caring atmosphere throughout the workplace;
    d. strive to foster pride in the university and unity of purpose;
    e. further the professional development of staff members;
    f. suggest ways to reward outstanding performers among the staff;
    g. direct Employee Appreciation Week; and
    h. advise and otherwise act on specific issues at the request of the President.

C. Review

This policy shall be reviewed by the President and Vice Presidents every five years or sooner if necessary. 


AMENDED: 04/13/2011

REVIEWED:  AY 2014-15

AMENDED: 04/2019

AMENDED: 10/2022