7.3.3 IT Purchase and Reimbursement

A. Purpose

To define the process by which the University of Texas at Tyler approves and reimburses for IT-related purchases.

B. Persons Affected

This policy applies to all University of Texas at Tyler faculty and staff.

C. Definitions


D. Policy

All IT-related hardware acquisitions, including but not limited to computers, laptops, tablets, monitors, phones, printers, and computer-related peripherals, not on pre-approved lists must be reviewed and approved by the Chief Information Officer or IT designee prior to purchase. This applies to all purchase methods, including personal funds, requisitions, purchase orders, credit cards and all funding sources, including state, non-discretionary, and grants.

  • All IT related purchases (hardware and software) that are not on pre-approved lists must be reviewed by IT before the purchase is made or the purchase order (PO) is created.  

  • All vendors that host or access university data must be pre-approved by the Information Security Office prior to use. This includes acquisition (paid or free) and use of external services such as cloud storage, application or communication providers.
  • Employees may use one primary university owned computer (defined as a computer with a full operating system i.e., macOS, OS X or Windows).
  • Requests for additional systems, considered primary may require approval from the department’s Budget Authority.
  • Low-cost tablets and mobile devices may also be used in addition to a primary computer.
  • Systems purchased that do not receive IT approval, or are beyond economic repair, or that do not meet minimum security requirements, or are too old to receive security updates, will be prohibited from connecting to the production network and will not receive IT support.  
  • Any IT systems that will not be connected to the network must still receive prior approval by IT and Information Security. 
  • All IT-related software acquisitions that require elevated or administrator permissions to install, interact with patient, student, or financial data, or require a dedicated server and/or network storage device must be reviewed and approved by the Chief Information Officer or IT designee prior to purchase. This applies to all purchase methods, including personal funds, requisitions, purchase orders, credit cards and all funding sources, including state, non-discretionary, and grants.
  •  Personal reimbursement for any IT-related acquisition will not be authorized unless prior approval is granted by the Chief Information Officer or IT designee.

NOTE: These policies are to ensure that IT can provide necessary support for IT devices and that the item will not compromise university data or resources. This includes any item that would need IT Support for installation or support - such as software, apps, computers, laptops, tablets, monitors and any peripheral equipment such as keyboards, mice, web cams, headphones, printers, etc.

Any exceptions to this policy must be approved in writing by the President, EVP, SVP, COO,CFO,CIO, or an approved delegate. Written exceptions should include description of exception, justification, associated costs, and funding source if applicable.

University of Texas at Tyler is required to be in compliance with Texas Administrative Code Section 202 which establishes Information Security Standards. Failure to comply with the laws, rules and regulations and to follow sound business practices may result in the employee having to pay for the non-compliant purchase and/or other disciplinary action(s) in accordance with UT Tyler policies and procedures including termination for cause. The sources of these laws, rules and regulations are found in the Texas Government Code, Chapters 2151 through 2158; the Texas Education Code, Chapter 51 and Chapter 54; the General Appropriations Act; the Texas Administrative Code, Title I, Part 5; The State of Texas Procurement Manual; The UT System Regent's Rules and Regulations, Rule 20901, and The UT System Policy UTS159.

E. References

Texas Administrative Code 202 https://texreg.sos.state.tx.us/public/readtac$ext.ViewTAC?tac_view=4&ti=1&pt=10&ch=202

University of Texas System-wide Policy UTS159

UT System Board of Regent’s Rules and Regulations (Regents’ Rules and Regulations)

UT Tyler Academic Campus Preapproved purchasing list

F. Review Responsibilities and Dates

The Division Head for this Policy is the Chief Information Officer and this Policy shall be reviewed every two (2) years or sooner, if necessary, by the Division Head or their designee.

APPROVED: 10/2022

AMENDED:  05/2023