4.1.4 Disposal of University Property (Surplus and Salvage Property)
A. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to establish the conditions under which The University of Texas at Tyler, and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler (collectively, the University), may dispose of surplus and salvage property. This policy has been created in accordance with Texas Government Code Sections 2175.128 and Section 2175.304 and The University of Texas System (UT System) Board of Regents Rules and Regulations, Rule 80201.
Section 2175.303 of the Texas Government Code states that the provisions of Chapter 2175 of the Texas Government Code do not apply to the disposition of (1) products of by-products of research, forestry, agriculture, livestock, or an industrial enterprise or (2) or certain recyclable materials, including paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, plastics, glass, one-use pallets, used tires, used oil, and scrap metal, when the disposition is not in the best interest of the state or economically feasible. Therefore, this Section does not apply to such products, by-products, or material.
B. Persons Affected
All Budget Authorities / Department Heads and their staff members.
C. Definitions
D. Policy
Surplus and Salvage Property Disposal for both the University of Texas at Tyler (University) and The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler (University). Any property that exceeds the University’s needs, no longer useful and does not have any resale value, may be disposed of per Texas Government Code, Chapter 2175 Surplus and Salvage Property 2175.304 Exception for Institutions of Higher Education. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/GV/htm/GV.2175.htm#2175.304
- Disposal of Surplus Property Rules, Regulations and Guidelines as defined in the University of Texas Board of Regents Rule 80201; in the following Sections, Section 2175.304(b), Section 2175.304(c), Section 217.001(1), section 2054.003 (3)(A), Section 2175.905 and Section 487.301. https://www.utsystem.edu/board-of-regents/rules/80201-disposal-of-u-t-surplus-property
- Disposal of Data Processing Equipment (Computers). Per Texas Facilities Commission allows state agencies to send surplus or salvage data processing equipment to Texas Department of Criminal Justice to be refurbished or recycled. https://www.tfc.texas.gov/divisions/supportserv/prog/statesurplus/political-subdivisions-and-non-profits/
E. Responsibilities
- Budget Authority / Department Heads are responsible for all departmental assets and must monitor items that are deemed as surplus and salvage devices.
- Budget Authorities / Department Heads are to report to the Asset Management and Inventory Control function specific to the university location.
- Budget Authorities / Department Heads are responsible for ensuring that their inventory records are maintained in accordance with University and State policies.
F. Review
This policy shall be reviewed every five years or as legislation changes.
AMENDED: 04/15/2016
AMENDED: 07/2022