4.16.6 Remote Work Arrangements
A. Purpose
It is the policy of The University of Texas at Tyler, the Health Science Center and off-campus instructional sites (the “University) to provide for the administration of a telecommuting program which permits remote work arrangements when it is in the best interests of the University.
B. Persons Affected
This policy applies to all University employees.
C. Definitions
Regularly assigned place of employment - the location on University campus or location where an employee usually and customarily reports for work or where work is performed.
Remote Work - an authorized work arrangement that involves an employee to routinely work one or more days per week at an approved location that is not the regularly assigned place of employment.
D. Policy and Procedures
- Remote Work and the Employment Relationship. Remote Work includes alternative work arrangements available to employees whose job duties are appropriate for such assignment. The decision to authorize these options is within management’s discretion based on the nature of the work being performed and other business considerations. The arrangement is voluntary and participation does not alter an employee’s work relationship with the University nor does it relieve an employee from the obligation to observe all applicable University rules, policies and procedures. All existing terms and conditions of employment, including but not limited to the position description, salary, benefits, vacation, sick leave and overtime remain the same as if the employee worked only at his or her regularly assigned place of employment.
- Criteria for Remote Work. Alternative work arrangements are appropriate only when the abilities of the employee, the remote work location and the nature of the work to be performed meet the criteria set out on the Remote Work Agreement Guidelines and Expectations.
- Remote Work Approval Requirements. A Request for Remote Work form must be completed and signed by the employee and the employee's supervisor. The request must have the approval of the manager’s respective vice president or division leader prior to the employee forwarding the request to Human Resources and initiating remote work arrangements.
- Remote work arrangements for locations outside of Texas, but within the United States, are only allowed with approval at the executive level at the University of Texas at Tyler. If an out-of-state request is approved, in order to comply with the various state regulations associated with an out of state remote work agreement, an administrative fee per employee will be charged annually to the employee’s home department. Acknowledgement and this arrangement must be pre-approved by the department vice president or division leader.
- Remote work arrangements for locations outside of the United States are not allowed.
- Costs and expenses to set up a remote work location are the responsibility of the employee. The University is not responsible to provide internet connectivity, utilities, telephone, or any expenses associated with a remote work location.
- Remote Work Agreement.
- Once a request for remote work is approved, a Remote Work Agreement must be completed by the employee and the employee’s supervisor. The Remote Work Agreement cannot take effect until approved and signed by the employee, the employee’s supervisor, the respective vice president, and Human Resources.
- The Remote Work Agreement governs the employee’s activities while working remotely as an employee of the University. The agreement outlines expectations around the basic rules, hours of work, benefits and compensation, work location, workspace, equipment and supplies, and expenses.
- Liability.
- Injuries at Remote Work Site. The University assumes no liability for injury at the remote work site, to any other person who would not be in the work area if the duties were being performed at the regular place of employment. An injured employee participating in telecommuting must notify their supervisor immediately and complete all requested documents. Workers' Compensation benefits will apply to injuries arising out of work-related duties and in the course and scope of employment.
- Damages to Personal Property and Operating Costs. The University will not be liable for damages to employee-owned equipment being used in telecommuting or that may result from telecommuting. The University will not be responsible for operating costs, home maintenance, or any other incidental costs (e.g. utilities, telephone, insurance, connectivity) associated with the use of the employee's residence for telecommuting, unless specifically provided in advance and in writing by the department head as outlined in the agreement.
- Duration of Agreements. Telecommuting Agreements will remain in effect unless terminated in accordance with the procedures set forth in this policy or as documented in respective agreements. Telecommuting Agreements shall be reviewed every 6 months, or less if appropriate, with an option to renew, with department Vice President’s approval.
- Termination of Agreement.
- The University reserves the right to terminate a telecommuting agreement with a ten-day, (10) written notice if the University determines in its sole discretion that the telecommuting arrangement no longer is in the best interest of the University. Employees may request telecommuting agreements be terminated with a ten-day (10) written notice. It is recommended that supervisors make a decision regarding the termination request upon notice and within the ten-day period.
- The University also reserves the right to terminate employment without a notice period for any violations of University policy, a violation of the conditions of the remote work agreement or when there is a relevant change in University business needs, policy or law.
- Return of University Property. When a remote work agreement is terminated, the employee must promptly return all notes, data, reference materials, sketches, drawings, memoranda, reports, records, equipment, software, supplies, and any other University property in the employee's possession or control to the location on University campus or location where an employee usually and customarily reports for work. If employment is terminated, regular end of employment processes must be followed.
- Personal Damaged or Lost Property. The University shall not be held responsible for individual personal costs, damages, or losses associated with the remote work agreement or the termination of a remote work agreement.
E. Reference Sources and Authority
Due to state or local employment laws, there are certain states in which remote work is RESTRICTED and are not available for remote work employment.
Due to state or local employment laws, the following states may be approved for remote work arrangements but should be LIMITED and only approved for mission critical or hard to fill positions.
F. Review
This policy shall be reviewed by the Office Human Resources every five years or as legislation changes.
APPROVED: 02/2019
AMENDED: 12/2021
AMENDED: 11/2023