Finance Minor

The minor in Finance comprises 18 hours. Students majoring in Finance may not complete the minor.

Minor Requirements

Prerequisite coursework (3 hours)

ACCT 2301Principles of Financial Accounting [TCCN: ACCT 2301]


ACCT 3300Accounting and Finance for Small Business and Entrepreneurs

or equivalent for ACCT 2301

Upper Division Courses (15 hours)

Upper division courses for the Finance minor include 6 hours of required courses and a minimum of 9 hours of an elective course as described below.

Required Courses (6 hours)

FINA 3311Principles of Finance

FINA 3330Investments

Three elective course (9 hours) chosen from the following list:

FINA 3321Principles of Real Estate

FINA 3345Principles of Insurance

FINA 4310Management of Financial Institutions

FINA 4330Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

FINA 4340Managerial Finance

FINA 4356Financial Risk Management

FINA 4357Business Forecasting