The FLEX option to the Master of Science in Professional Accountancy is a five-year program of undergraduate and graduate coursework that allows the student to earn the BBA and the MSPA degrees simultaneously. Students apply to the program upon completion of ACCT 3312, Intermediate Accounting II, and will be undergraduate students until their last full-time semester in the program.


Students may be admitted to the FLEX option upon completion of at least 60 semester hours of coursework that includes ACCT 3311 and ACCT 3312.

Admission is based on the applicant’s University grade point average, SAT Reasoning Test or ACT scores, and GMAT scores, as well as other relevant examples of academic ability and leadership. An applicant with a University grade point average of less than 3.00 is unlikely to be admitted to this program. Admission may be restricted by the availability of instructional resources.

Degree seeking undergraduate students in the process of completing all upper-division prerequisite courses at UT Tyler are eligible to apply for admission to the MSPA program and have the GMAT waived during the semester when they are taking ACCT 3312 -Intermediate Accounting II if they meet the following criteria:

  • Have declared a major in accounting.
  • Have attained an overall grade point average (GPA) of at least a 3.4.
  • Have completed at least 3 upper-division accounting courses and attained a cumulative grade point average (GPA) in all upper-division accounting courses completed of at least a 3.6. Intermediate Accounting I must be one of these courses. 
  • Earned a grade of ‘B’ or better and have no ‘W’s in the MAcc prerequisite courses taken at the time of application. These courses must be taken at UT Tyler.

Students who do not meet the GPA requirements may still apply for admission into the MSPA before they complete their undergraduate degree but must submit a GMAT score. A GMAT score of 500 is recommended for admission. 

FLEX students must be admitted to the MSPA program prior to their last semester of the program. Students will work with the MSPA Director to determine the appropriate semester to apply to the graduate school Students must have completed the following BBA degree requirements before the application deadline: the University Core Curriculum, courses needed to declare a major, the lower-division business core, and MANA 3370

International Students

An applicant whose native language is not English must demonstrate a sufficient level of skill with the English language to assure success in graduate studies. Applicants are expected to submit a score of at least  6.5 on the IELTS or 105 on the Duolingo, or achieve a minimum TOEFL iBT total score of 79. Further, when the TOEFL iBT is taken, sectional scores of at least 22 on the writing section, 21 on the speaking section, 20 on the reading section, and 16 on the listening section are preferred.

An applicant holding either a bachelor's or a master's degree from a regionally-accredited U.S. college or university is not required to submit a TOEFL iBT, Duolingo or IELTS score for admission purposes. Any other waivers of the score requirements must be recommended by the applicant's Graduate Advisor and approved by the Admissions Committee.

Satisfactory Progress

Students are expected to make continuous progress toward the degree by completing required accounting coursework each semester. Students who fail to take required accounting coursework two long-session semesters in a row will be removed from the program and placed in the unspecified business major. Students will be notified before this action is taken; they must meet with the MSPA Director upon being notified. 


A student is placed on probation if his or her grade point average in core undergraduate accounting courses falls below 3.00 or if a grade of C is received in any graduate course. Except with the consent of the MSPA Director, a student on probation may not take graduate accounting courses. 


The student is dismissed from the integrated approach if (1) he or she fails to improve his or her academic performance significantly while on probation, or (2) he or she will not achieve a grade point average of 3.00 even by earning grades of A in all remaining core undergraduate accounting courses. In addition, students who receive a failing grade or more than one grade of C in their graduate course work will be dismissed from the FLEX program and revert to the standard BBA program. They may then apply to the MSPA once having completed the BBA.


To receive an MSPA degree, a student must have a grade point average of at least 3.00 in all coursework taken as part of the minimum 30 hour MSPA degree. He or she must also have a grade point average in graduate accounting coursework of at least 3.00. 

Degree Requirements

The requirements for the FLEX program are:

  1. Undergraduate coursework
    1. The Core Curriculum requirements and the BBA Degree Requirements.
    2. ACCT 3170, ACCT 3311, ACCT 3312, ACCT 3315, ACCT 3325, ACCT 4313, ACCT 4380, and ACCT 4491
    3. Additional elective work, if necessary, to provide a total of at least 120 semester hours of undergraduate coursework.
  2. Graduate coursework
    1. ACCT 5310*, ACCT 5360, ACCT 5364 ACCT 5380, ACCT 5385 or ACCT 5326, ACCT 5391, ACCT 5395 and BLAW 5340.
    2. Six hours from COSC 5342, COSC 5347, COSC 5364, COSC 5388 or CSCI 5346.

    *ACCT 5310 is not required if ACCT 3326 has been completed.

  3. Suggested Five-Year Curriculum for the FLEX MSPA. FLEX students should follow the Suggested Four-Year Curriculum for Accounting Majors until the end of their Junior year, when they have been admitted into the FLEX option. With MSPA Director consultation, students should plan to take at least one graduate-level course during their fourth year.