7.1.1 Network Configuration
A. Purpose
To provide the definitions for creation and maintenance of a secure systems infrastructure, including technical, administrative, maintenance, computer systems refresh, and operations solutions for information technology network infrastructure security.
B. Persons Affected
All employees, contractors, visitors, research associates, students, staff, and other "users" while accessing, using, or handling University of Texasas Health Science Center at Tyler (the "University") information technology resources, including Non-University entities granted network access.
C. Policy
The University network infrastructure is provided as a central utility for all users of University Network Resources. It is important that the infrastructure, which consists of cabling and associated equipment such as routers and switches, continues to develop with sufficient flexibility to meet user demands while remaining capable of exploiting anticipated developments and growth in high speed networking technology to allow the future provision of enhanced user services. Protection of the network infrastructure at the University is necessary in order to assist the University in effectively achieving its mission to serve East Texas and beyond through excellent patient care and community health, comprehensive education, and innovative research.
D. Provisions
- The entire infrastructure of the network on and off campus shall be under the control of the University Information Technology Department (IT). IT will continue to manage further developments and enhancements to this infrastructure.
- To provide a consistent University network infrastructure capable of exploiting new networking developments, all cabling must be installed by IT, or an approved contractor, and must adhere to University cabling guidelines document, or specifications approved by IT.
- All network-connected equipment must be configured to a specification approved by the IT department.
- All hardware connected to the University network is subject to IT management and monitoring standards.
- Changes to the configuration of active network management devices must not be made without the approval of IT.
- The University network infrastructure supports a well-defined set of approved networking protocols. IT must approve any use of non-sanctioned protocols.
- The networking addresses for the supported protocols are allocated, registered and managed centrally by IT.
- All connections of the network infrastructure to external third party networks are the responsibility of IT. This includes VPN connections.
- IT firewalls must be installed and configured following University firewall implementation standards.
- The use of departmental firewalls is not permitted without the written authorization from the IT department.
- Users must not extend or re-transmit network services in any way. This means you must not install a router, switch, hub, or wireless access point to the University network without IT approval.
- Users must not install network hardware or software that provides network services without IT approval.
- Users are not permitted to alter network hardware in any way.
- IT bears the sole responsibility for the IP address space for the University, including maintenance and distribution/allocation.
E. Connections Provided
- All data outlets will provide switched 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet to the end user.
- Gigabit Ethernet links or higher will be provided from wiring closet switches to the core switches. Additional fiber optic cable will be installed as necessary to provide inter or intra building links.
F. Enforcement
Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action that may include termination for employees and temporaries; a termination of employment relations in the case of contractors or consultants; dismissal for interns and volunteers; or suspension or expulsion in the case of a student. Additionally, individuals are subject to loss of University Information Resources access privileges, civil, and criminal prosecution.
G. Review Responsibilities and Dates
The Division Head for this Policy is the Chief Information Officer, and this Policy shall be reviewed every two (2) years or sooner, if necessary, by the Division Head or their designee.
AMENDED: 05/2023