Academic Standing

At the conclusion of each term, undergraduate students’ academic standing is determined. The categories for academic standing are:

Academic Standing Explanation
Good academic standing Student has a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher
Probation Student has a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0
Continued Probation Student has a term GPA of 2.0 or higher but the cumulative GPA is less than 2.0
1st Academic Suspension Student is on probation and earned a term GPA below a 2.0 the following term
2nd Academic Suspension Student was readmitted after 1st Academic Suspension and earned a term GPA of less than 2.0 in the following term
3rd Academic Suspension Student was readmitted after 2nd Academic Suspension and earned a term GPA of less than 2.0 in the following term

Upon admission to UT Tyler, all undergraduate students begin their academic career in good academic standing. Students who took UT Tyler dual credit courses during high school start their first semester at UT Tyler in good academic standing.

Hours and grade points earned at other institutions are not used in computing the grade point average and do not influence academic standing at UT Tyler.


A student who has a cumulative grade point average of less than a 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. For the purposes of determining academic probation, the summer sessions combined are treated as one term.

Students on academic probation who fail to earn a term grade point average of at least 2.0 will be placed on academic suspension.

A student on academic probation should not register for more than 12 credit hours, complete the Undergraduate Probation Petition for Readmission (found on the Registrar’s Form Library, to establish a plan for success, request a schedule of no more than 12 academic credits,, and obtain the advisor’s or department chair's approval to register.

Hours and grade points earned at other institutions are not used in computing the grade point average.

Students who leave the university while on academic probation will retain probationary status on their return.


Students on academic probation who do not earn a term grade point average of 2.0 or above in the next term will be placed on academic suspension. Students on academic suspension are not eligible to enroll for classes at UT Tyler for the period listed below. Readmission after the first or second suspended term requires the student to complete the Undergraduate Suspension Petition for Admission, meet with the advisor to determine appropriate courses, and gain the permission of the student's advisor or department chair, and the dean of the college of their major.

First Academic Suspension-- one regular semester or one full summer

Second Academic Suspension-- 12 months

Third Academic Suspension-- Dismissal.

Petitions for readmission to the University following the first and second suspensions may be obtained from the Registrar's Form Library. It is recommended that the petition be submitted, with appropriate permissions, six weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student wishes to enroll.

Former students who received a third suspension prior to the Fall 2006 semester may petition the Office of Academic Affairs to request readmission to the university. Petitioners must provide a detailed statement, with appropriate supporting documentation, addressing their preparedness for readmission. Upon review of all supplied materials, a decision to grant readmission or uphold the  Dismissal status will be issued; this decision is final. If readmission is granted the student will be readmitted under the same restrictions as a student returning from a second academic suspension under the current Catalog, and any subsequent suspension will result in Dismissal with no option to petition for readmission. Students who received a third suspension in Fall 2006, or any subsequent semester, may not petition for readmission.

A student admitted to the university after having been suspended will be subject to the same restrictions as students on academic probation upon their return.

Academic Support for Students with Probation or Suspension Status

Probationary or suspended students readmitted to UT Tyler are strongly encouraged to participate in Patriot Principles for Academic Success. This is a program providing academic support and strategies for your success at UT Tyler. Some departments require students who are on probation or returning from suspension to participation in Patriot Principles for Academic Success.