Teacher Certification

Candidates for secondary teaching certification (grades 8-12) should pursue a major in computer science and should consult with an advisor in the School of Education, College of Education and Psychology. In addition to the required professional education course sequence, requirements for secondary certification in computer science are outlined below:

A candidate for certification must:

A.  Complete a minimum of 12 upper-division semester hours of computer science at UT Tyler.

B.  Have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 in all upper-division computer science courses attempted and a grade of ā€œCā€ or better in each of the computer science or math courses listed below.

  1. Non-degreed, non-certified students should complete requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science including: COSC 4340 Comparative Study of Programming Languages
  2. Students who have already completed a baccalaureate degree, hold a secondary teaching certificate in another academic field, and/or seek a second teaching field should minimally complete the following courses or their equivalents:

COSC 1336: Programming Fundamentals

COSC 1337: The Object-Oriented Paradigm

COSC 2315: Computer Organization

COSC 2336: Data Structures and Algorithms [ TCCN: COSC 2336]

COSC 3315: Social and Professional Issues in Computing

COSC 3325: Algorithm Design and Analysis 

COSC 3345: Computer Architecture 

COSC 4340: Comparative Study of Programming Languages 

MATH 2330: Discrete Structures