Nursing Administration Certificate Program

Dr. Anna Hanson, Coordinator

The Nursing Administration Certificate program prepares the post-baccalaureate or higher degree prepared nurse to apply leadership and management skills to become the essential link between the vision and mission of the larger health care organization and the unit-based system of patient care. Resource allocation expertise, using professional skills in assessing and analyzing healthcare needs in the practice setting, is developed.

Certificate Requirements


Required Courses (9 hrs.)

The following courses must be successfully completed by students in the Nursing Administration Certificate Program:

NURS 5331Leadership in the Healthcare Environment

NURS 5335Legal, Regulatory, and Financial Management

NURS 5337Nursing Administration: Delivery of Care

NOTE:  NURS 5331, NURS 5335, and NURS 5337 include clinical hours.

Completion of the Certificate

All certificates will be awarded by The University of Texas at Tyler and reflected on the student’s official transcript once conferred.