Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Certificate

This program provides the foundational knowledge for a student to develop skills in Geographical Information Systems to enhance opportunities for future employment in fields with a spatial analysis component. The program is designed to introduce students to the knowledge and methods required for spatial analysis including learning specific spatial software, developing and managing spatial data, and communicating spatial connections. 

Certificate Requirements

The certificate requires students to complete 12 semester credit hours (4 courses) with a grade of C or better in each course. Prerequisites for all certificate courses may be waived by permission of the instructor. Select courses from the list below to complete 12 semester credit hours for the GIS certificate.

GIS Certificate Eligible Courses (12 hours)

CENG 2336Geomatics

GEOG 4330Geographic Information Systems

GEOG 4360Cartography and Remote Sensing

ENGL 4360Studies in World Literature

BIOL 4395Special Topics in Biology (Landscape Ecology)

BIOL 4195Special Topics in Biology (Landscape Ecology Lab)

The GIS Certificate will be listed as an academic certificate on the student’s official transcript.