Communication Studies B.A./B.S.


Communication is the human infrastructure of everyday personal, public, and political life. By embracing both social scientific and humanistic approaches to communication, our undergraduate program provides students with the knowledge to understand the skills to enrich human interaction in these different contexts. Our curriculum offers strength in the theory and practice of interpersonal communication in varying contexts, including, but not limited to, health, small group, family, business, organizational, political, and religious communication.


  1. B.A. in Communication Studies: 36 hours in Communication Studies, 21 of which must be upper division, and 12 of the upper division hours in the major must be taken at this university; 18 hours in a minor; and four semesters of a foreign language and electives sufficient to meet university requirements.
  2. B.S. in Communication Studies: 36 hours in Communication Studies, 21 of which must be upper division and 12 of the upper division hours in the major must be taken at this university; 18 hours in a minor; and six hours of mathematics, science, economics, geography and/or computer science, in addition to those otherwise counted as lower-division preparation and electives sufficient to meet university requirements.
  3. Communication Studies as a minor: 18 hours of Communication Studies, 9 of which must be upper division.
  4. Health Communication as a minor: 3 hours of communication studies, 6 hours of public health, and 9 hours of various health related courses offered across campus. 

Degree Requirements

Total Semester Credit Hours=120

University Core Curriculum (42 hrs.)

A minimum grade of "C" in each Communication Studies course

Communication Studies Core (18 hrs.)

CMST 1311Introduction to Communication Studies [TCCN: SPCH 1311]

CMST 1315Introduction to Public Speaking [TCCN: SPCH 1315]

CMST 2310Introduction to Research Methods

CMST 2318Interpersonal Communication

CMST 4315Organizational Communication

CMST 4320Communication Theory

18 hours of additional CMST courses:

CMST 2320Nonverbal Communication

CMST 2335Argumentation and Debate

CMST 3315Lying and Deception

CMST 3321Business and Professional Communication

CMST 3322Small Group Communication

CMST 3324Public Health Communication

CMST 3325Persuasive Communication

CMST 3340Speech Activities

CMST 3350Risk Communication

CMST 4199Independent Study

CMST 4310Family Communication

CMST 4326Advanced Public Speaking

CMST 4327Contemporary Rhetoric

CMST 4330Interviewing

CMST 4331Intercultural Communication

CMST 4333Religious Communication

CMST 4334Political Communication

CMST 4344Media Ecology

CMST 4360Topics in Communication

CMST 4361Communication Processes and Artificial Intelligence

CMST 4370Undergraduate Internship Program

Electives sufficient to meet university requirements.


At least 18 hrs. in a single related discipline to be chosen in consultation with the student's major advisor.

B.A. Option

Twelve to 14 hours of an approved foreign language: The student may also complete this requirement by passing a written examination approved by the foreign language faculty.

B.S. Option

Six hours of mathematics, science, economics, geography and/or computer science, in addition to those otherwise counted as lower-division preparation. These six hours may be taken at the lower- or upper-division.

Recommended Four-Year Curriculum - BA Communication Studies

Freshman Year

First Semester (15 hrs.)

CMST 1315Introduction to Public Speaking [TCCN: SPCH 1315]

Communication (Core, 3 hrs.)

Mathematics (Core, 3 hrs.)

Life and Physical Sciences (Core, 3 hrs.)

Social and Behavioral Science (Core, 3 hrs.)


Second Semester (15 hrs.)

Life and Physical Sciences (Core, 3 hrs.)

Language, Philosophy and Culture (Core, 3 hrs.)

Human Expression (Core, 3 hrs.)

STEM (Core, 3 hrs.)

Minor (3 hours)

Sophomore Year

First Semester (15 hrs.)

Communication (Core, 3 hrs.)

CMST 2310Introduction to Research Methods

CMST 2318Interpersonal Communication

SPAN 1611Intensive Spanish I

Second Semester (15 hrs.)

Creative Arts (Core, 3 hrs.)

HIST 1301United States History I [TCCN: HIST 1301]

POLS 2305Introductory American Government [TCCN: GOVT 2305]

SPAN 2611Intensive Spanish II


Junior Year

First Semester (15 hrs.)

CMST 1311Introduction to Communication Studies [TCCN: SPCH 1311]

POLS 2306Introductory Texas Politics [TCCN: GOVT 2306]

Upper Division Elective - CMST Major (3 hours)

Upper Division Minor (3 hours)

HIST 1302United States History II [TCCN: HIST 1302]


Second Semester (15 hrs.)

CMST 4326Advanced Public Speaking

CMST 4320Communication Theory

CMST Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

CMST Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

Upper Division Minor (3 hours)


Senior Year

First Semester (15 hrs.)

Upper division elective (3 hours)

Upper Division Minor (3 hours)

Upper division elective (3 hours)

Upper Division Minor (3 hours)

CMST Lower Division Elective (3 hours)

Second Semester (15 hrs.)

CMST Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

CMST Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

Lower or Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

Upper division elective (3 hours)

Lower Division Minor (3 hours)

Recommended Four-Year Curriculum - BS Communication Studies

Freshman Year

First Semester (15 hrs.)

CMST 1315Introduction to Public Speaking [TCCN: SPCH 1315]

Communication (Core, 3 hrs.)

Mathematics (Core, 3 hrs.)

Life and Physical Sciences (Core, 3 hrs.)

Social and Behavioral Science (Core, 3 hrs.)


Second Semester (15 hrs.)

Life and Physical Sciences (Core, 3 hrs.)

Language, Philosophy and Culture (Core, 3 hrs.)

Human Expression (Core, 3 hrs.)

Lower Division Minor (3 hours)

STEM (Core, 3 hrs.)

Sophomore Year

First Semester (15 hrs.)

Communication (Core, 3 hrs.)

CMST 2310Introduction to Research Methods

CMST 2318Interpersonal Communication

BS Requirement (3 hours)

Lower or Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

Second Semester (15 hrs.)

Creative Arts (Core, 3 hrs.)

HIST 1301United States History I [TCCN: HIST 1301]

POLS 2305Introductory American Government [TCCN: GOVT 2305]

BS Requirement (3 hours)

Lower or Upper Division Elective (3 hours)


Junior Year

First Semester (15 hrs.)

CMST 1311Introduction to Communication Studies [TCCN: SPCH 1311]

POLS 2306Introductory Texas Politics [TCCN: GOVT 2306]

Upper Division Elective - CMST Major (3 hours)

Upper Division Minor (3 hours)

HIST 1302United States History II [TCCN: HIST 1302]


Second Semester (15 hrs.)

CMST 4326Advanced Public Speaking

CMST 4320Communication Theory

CMST Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

CMST Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

Upper Division Minor (3 hours)


Senior Year

First Semester (15 hrs.)

Upper division elective (3 hours)

Upper Division Minor (3 hours)

Upper division elective (3 hours)

Upper Division Minor (3 hours)

CMST Lower Division Elective (3 hours)

Second Semester (15 hrs.)

CMST Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

CMST Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

Lower or Upper Division Elective (3 hours)

Upper division elective (3 hours)

Lower Division Minor (3 hours)