COMD 3350 Neurological Foundations of Speech, Language and Hearing

This course is designed to introduce students of communication sciences and disorders to the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the systems and networks responsible for programming and production of speech, receptive and expressive language processing, and central auditory processing. The course starts with a basic analytic review of nervous system anatomy and the study of brain circulation. Following that, topic discussions will follow a physiological approach whereby the physiology leads the anatomy. As such, topics will be explored in a process-based manner, whereby the anatomy is discussed within the context of the specific process at hand. These processes include speech cognitive planning, speech motor programming, speech motor activation and coordination; central auditory processing and receptive language processing; and expressive language processing. Related neurocognitive processes will be discussed in context and based on the nature of individual topics. 


Upper-division standing (COMD 1306; COMD 2357; COMD 2358; COMD 2110)