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Graduate School of Health Professions
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Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy
School of Medicine
Mid-year Addendum - effective Spring 2024
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Courses using Open Educational Resources and/or Low-cost ($50 or less) Materials
ACCT - Accounting
ALHS - Allied Health Science
ANTH - Anthropology
ART - Art
ASIA - Asian
BIOL - Biology
BIOS - Biological Sciences
BIOT - Biotechnology
BLAW - Business Law
CENG - Civil Engineering
CEPH - Clinical Exercise Physiology Program
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CMGT - Construction Management
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COMM - Communication
CONE Construction Engineering
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CRIJ - Criminal Justice
CSCI - Computer Science
ECON - Economics
EDBE - Bilingual Education
EDCI - Curriculum and Instruction
EDFB - Field-Based Education
EDIN - Educational Internship
EDLR - Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
EDRM - Education Research Methods
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EDSP - Special Education
EDUC - Education
EDUT - UTeach
EENG - Electrical Engineering
EHCA - Executive Health Care Administration
ELED - Elementary Education
EMBA - Executive MBA
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
EPBI - Epidemiology and Biostatistics
EPSY - Educational Psychology
FINA - Finance
FREN - French
GATE - Global Awareness Through Education
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GENB - General Business
HECC - Health and Exercise Core
HIST - History
HNRS - Honors
HPEM - Healthcare Policy Economics and Management
HRD - Human Resource Development
IBMS - Integrated Biomedical Sciences
JAPN - Japanese
KINE - Kinesiology
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MANA - Management
MARK - Marketing
MATH - Mathematics
MCOM - Mass Communication
MENG - Mechanical Engineering
MSEL - Engineering Leadership
MTED - Mathematics
MUAP - Music Applied
MUEN - Music Ensembles
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NURS - Nursing
OCTH - Occupational therapy
OEHS - Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences
PADM - Public Administration
PBHL - Public Health
PHAR - Pharmacy
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
PYED - Physical Education
READ - Reading Education
RELI - Religion Studies
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2023-2024 Catalog
>> PHAR - Pharmacy
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PHAR - Pharmacy
PHAR 7001 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience Year One Complementary
PHAR 7002 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience Year Two Complementary
PHAR 7004 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences
PHAR 7010 Pharmacy Milestones Foundational Medication Knowledge and Skills
PHAR 7121 Introduction to Preparing for a Future in Academic Pharmacy
PHAR 7122 Practical Applications to Preparing for a Future in Academic Pharmacy
PHAR 7123 Delivering an Effective Professional Presentation
PHAR 7124 Clinical Research: Drug Development and the Role of the Pharmacist
PHAR 7125 Principles of Drug Design
PHAR 7126 Infectious diseases – Antimicrobial Stewardship 1
PHAR 7127 Social-Behavioral Aspects of Health Care
PHAR 7128 Introduction to Medication Therapy Management
PHAR 7129 Advanced Medication Therapy Management
PHAR 7130 Diabetes Elective
PHAR 7131 Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Elective
PHAR 7132 Medical Terminology
PHAR 7133 Substance Use Disorders
PHAR 7134 Advanced Topics in Pharmacogenomics
PHAR 7135 Caring For Underserved Populations
PHAR 7136 Applied Evidence-Based Medicine: Defense of the Clinical Arts I
PHAR 7137 Obtaining a Residency
PHAR 7138 Biochemistry of Metabolic Diseases
PHAR 7139 Applied Evidence-Based Medicine: Defense of the Clinical Arts II
PHAR 7140 Follow Your Compass
PHAR 7145 Pharmacy Law
PHAR 7158 Interprofessional Education Course
PHAR 7169 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience 9
PHAR 7170 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience 10
PHAR 7171 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience 11
PHAR 7172 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience 12
PHAR 7182 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience 2
PHAR 7185 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience 5
PHAR 7186 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience 6
PHAR 7190 Special Topics
PHAR 7191 Pharmacy Lab 1: Intro to Pharmacy Practice Skills
PHAR 7192 Pharmacy Lab 2: Non Sterile Compounding
PHAR 7193 Pharmacy Lab 3: Sterile Products and Intravenous Admixtures
PHAR 7199 Independent Study
PHAR 7201 Pharmaceutical Calculations
PHAR 7230 Principles of Drug Development
PHAR 7231 Pharmacy Foundations
PHAR 7202 Principles of Microbiology and Immunology
PHAR 7203 Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry
PHAR 7211 Nuclear Pharmacy
PHAR 7217 Introduction to Pharmacy Practice, Professionalism, and Ethics
PHAR 7218 Nonprescription Medications and Self Care
PHAR 7219 Drug Information Retrieval and Literature Evaluation
PHAR 7220 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Pharmacokinetics
PHAR 7223 Presentation Seminar Elective
PHAR 7225 Serious Games and Pharmacy Education
PHAR 7229 Advanced Medication Therapy Management
PHAR 7232 Cystic Fibrosis Elective
PHAR 7233 Substance Use Disorders
PHAR 7234 Advanced Topics in Pharmacogenomics
PHAR 7235 Service and Leadership in Healthcare
PHAR 7236 Advanced Case Studies
PHAR 7237 Obtaining a Residency
PHAR 7238 Biochemistry Metabolic Diseases Elective
PHAR 7239 Applied Evidence-Based Medicine: Defense of the Clinical Arts
PHAR 7240 Fountain of Youth: Geriatric Pharmacotherapy
PHAR 7273 Healthcare Systems
PHAR 7274 Biostatistics and Clinical Research Methods
PHAR 7275 Public and Rural Health in Pharmacy
PHAR 7276 Social-Behavioral Pharmacy and Practice Management
PHAR 7281 Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience 1
PHAR 7283 IPPE 3: Intro Pharmacy Practice Experience (Community)
PHAR 7284 IPPE 4: Intro Pharmacy Practice Experience (Institutional)
PHAR 7288 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 8: Hematology and Oncology
PHAR 7294 Pharmacy Lab 4: Patient Assessment
PHAR 7295 Applied Pharmacy Practice Skills
PHAR 7296 Applied Pharmacy Practice Skills 2
PHAR 7299 Independent Study
PHAR 7290 Special Topics
PHAR 7301 Principles of Physiology, Pharmacology and Pharmacogenomics
PHAR 7302 Principles of Pharmacokinetic and Biopharmaceutics
PHAR 7377 Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics
PHAR 7390 Special Topics
PHAR 7399 Independent Study
PHAR 7401 Principles of Biochemistry
PHAR 7402 Pharmaceutics
PHAR 7481 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 1: Respiratory and Renal
PHAR 7483 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 3: Cardiovascular
PHAR 7484 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 4: GI, Nutrition, and Musculoskeletal
PHAR 7487 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 7: Selected Topics and Special Populations
PHAR 7489 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 9: Critical Care and Clinical Toxicology
PHAR 7490 Special Topics
PHAR 7499 Independent Study
PHAR 7582 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 2: Infectious Diseases
PHAR 7585 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 5: Endocrine, Women's and Men's Health
PHAR 7586 Integrated Pharmacotherapy 6: Psychiatry, Neurology, and Pain Management
PHAR 7590 Special Topics
PHAR 7599 Independent Study
PHAR 7613 Integrated Pathophysiology and Pharmacology
PHAR 7681 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience-Advanced Community Practice
PHAR 7682 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience-Ambulatory Care Practice
PHAR 7683 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience-Acute Care
PHAR 7684 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience-Advanced Institutional Rotation
PHAR 7685 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience-Elective
PHAR 7686 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience-Clinical Patient Care Elective
PHAR 7687 Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience: Non-Patient Care Elective
PHAR 7688 Pharmacy Capstone
PHAR 7690 Special Topics
PHAR 7699 Independent Study