MENG 4170 Technical Undergraduate Internship

This course provides the opportunity for students to pursue enrichment and experiential learning in mechanical engineering outside the classroom, at a level appropriate for undergraduates.  A minimum of 150 work hours are required during the internship experience under the supervision of a mentoring engineer at the workplace simultaneously with an advisor from the department of mechanical engineering.  A written advisor evaluation and a technical report are required at the conclusion of the internship.  A typical recommended setup to maximize benefit from such experience is for the student to be immersed in an engineering role within an engineering firm.  Other experience can be accepted if approved by the advisor and the department.


C grade or better in the following: MENG 3306/CENG 3306 – Mechanics of Materials, ENGR 2302 – Dynamics, MATH 3305 and Consent of the department chair, or instructor of record.