The Faculty

Emeritus Faculty


Professor Emerita of Health and Kinesiology, College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Associate Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering


Professor Emeritus of Education, College of Education and Psychology 



Associate Professor Emeritus of Journalism, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Speech Communication, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering


Professor Emeritus of History, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emerita of Communication, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of History, College of Arts and Sciences



Professor Emeritus of Accounting & Finance, College of Business and Technology


Professor Emeritus of Education, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emeritus of Accounting, College of Business and Technology


Professor Emerita of Education, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emerita of History, College of Arts and Sciences


Associate Professor Emeritus of Technology, College of Business and Technology


Professor Emerita of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emerita of Education, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emeritus of Management, College of Business and Technology

Associate Professor Emerita of Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of English, College of Liberal Arts


Professor Emeritus of Management & Marketing, College of Business Administration


Professor Emerita of Education, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emeritus of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences



Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, College of Education and Psychology


Associate Professor Emerita of School Counseling, College of Education and Psychology



Professor Emeritus of Marketing, College of Business Administration

TIM D. KANE (2012)

Professor of Economics, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emerita of Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Associate Professor Emeritus of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Education, College of Education and Psychology



Professor Emeritus of Education, College of Education and Psychology



Professor Emerita of Psychology, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emerita of Psychology, College of Education and Psychology


Associate Professor Emeritus of Education, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emerita of Reading, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emerita of Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences

W.A. MAYFIELD (1991)


Professor Emeritus of Technology, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Psychology, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emeritus of Health and Kinesiology, College of Nursing and Health Sciences

F. GARY MEARS (2008)

Professor Emeritus of Psychology, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emerita of Psychology, College of Education and Psychology



Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, College of Sciences and Mathematics


Professor Emeritus of Special Education, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emeritus of Music, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emerita of Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences

JIM PACE (2020)

Professor Emeritus of Art, College of Arts and Sciences


Associate Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emerita of Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Professor Emeritus of English, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Health and Kinesiology, College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Accounting, College of Business and Technology


Professor Emeritus of Education, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emeritus of Biology, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Art, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emeritus of Biology, College of Sciences and Mathematics


Professor Emeritus of Marketing, Soules College of Business

JOHN WEBB (2017)

Professor Emeritus of Music, College of Arts and Sciences


Professor Emerita of Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences



Professor Emeritus of Education, College of Education and Psychology


Professor Emerita of Nursing, College of Nursing and Health Sciences


Associate Professor Emeritus of Psychology, College of Education and Psychology

College of Arts and Sciences Faculty

LORRIE ALLEN, Senior Lecturer in Communication 
M.M.C., Arizona State University 

KATIE ANDERS, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

KASSIE ARCHER, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Dartmouth College

ALANNA AUSTIN, Visiting Assistant Professor
M.F.A., University of Colorado, Boulder

ALI AZGHANI, Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University

RANDY BACK, Associate Professor of Physics
Ph.D., University of Kentucky

DANIELLE BAILEY, Associate Professor in Social Sciences
Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Omaha 

JOSHUA BANTA, Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Stony Brook University

RICHARD BATMAN, Senior Lecturer in Physics
Ph.D., Kent State University

CLIFFORD BEARDEN, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Houston

JORDAN BEAVER, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of California Davis

JON REGAN BECKHAM, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Delaware

ANN BEEBE, Associate Professor of English
Ph.D., University of Kentucky

JENNIFER BELEW, Lecturer in Chemistry
M.S., The University of Texas at Dallas

JONATHAN BELEW, Lecturer in Chemistry
M.S.N.S., Stephen F. Austin State University  

BRENT BILL, Associate Professor of Developmental Biology
Ph.D., University of Minnesota

SHAUN BLACK, Associate Professor of Instruction in Chemistry
Ph.D., The University of Michigan

GLENN BLAKE, Visiting Professor of Instruction
M.A., The Johns Hopkins University

GREGORY BOCK, Assistant Professor of Literature and Languages
Ph.D., University of Tennessee

LAURA BOYD, Associate Professor of Instruction in Chemistry
Ph.D., University of Mississippi 

TERRY BRITT, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Missouri

ANITA BROWN, Lecturer in Communication
M.A., The University of Texas at Tyler

KENNETH BRYANT, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia

SEAN BUTLER, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., Ohio State University

DENNIS CALI, Professor of Speech Communication
Ph.D., Louisiana State University

JILL CARTER, Lecturer in History
M.A., The University of Texas at Tyler

MARCO CASTANEDA, Associate Professor of Economics
Ph.D., Washington University

JESSICA COLEMAN, Lecturer in Biology
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler

VICKI J. CONWAY, Senior Lecturer in Music
M.M., Baylor University

ALEKSANDA CREGLER, Assistant Professor
Ph.D. SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje

STEPHANIE DAUGHERTY, Assistant Professor of Instruction in Biology
Ph.D., Mayo Graduate School

ELENA DAUGHTERY, Lecturer in Music
M.M., Northwestern State University of Louisiana

SHELDON DAVIS, Professor of Mathematics and Chair, Department of Mathematics
Ph.D., Ohio University

JARED DICKSON, Lecturer in Biology
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler

JASON DISTEFANO, Lecturer in Chemistry
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler

M. RHYS DOTSON, Lecturer in History
M.A., The University of Texas at Tyler

SUSAN DOTY, Senior Lecturer in Economics
M.B.A., Bryant University

JEFFREY EMGE, Professor of Music and Interim Dir. School of Performing Arts
D.M.A., University of Cincinnati

LUIS GAUTIER, Associate Professor of Economics
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University

CHRISTINA GRAVES, Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Syracuse University

STEPHEN GRAVES, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Syracuse University

H. NEIL GRAY, Professor of Chemistry and Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

MATTHEW GREENWOLD, Assistant Professor of Biology
Ph.D., University of South Carolina

THOMAS GUDERJAN, Professor of Anthropology and Chair, Department of Social Sciences
Ph.D., Southern Methodist University

KYLE GULLINGS, Associate Professor of Music
D.M.A., The Catholic University of America  

GARY C. HATCHER, Professor of Art
M.F.A., Texas A&M University at Commerce 

RICHARD HELFERS, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas 

M.F.A., University of Pennsylvania

DEWANE F. HUGHES, Professor of Art
M.F.A., Montana State University 

ANETT JESSOP, Assistant Professor in the Department of Literature and Languages
Ph.D., University of California, Davis

M.S., Texas A&M University

VANESSA JOYNER, Associate Professor of Instruction in Mass Communication
M.F.A., Marywood University

GAYATHRI KAMBHAMPATI, Lecturer of Mathematics
M.S., University of Toronto

KATRIN KELLNER, Assistant Professor of Biology
Dr. rer. Nat., University of Regensburg, Germany

MATTHEW KELLY, Assistant Professor of Literature and Languages
Ph.D., Kent State University

RICHARD KENNEY, Professor of Practice in Social Work
MSSW, The University of Texas at Austin

DEBORAH A. KOSLOVER, Associate Professor of Instruction in Mathematics
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine

MICKIE KOSTER, Associate Professor of History
Ph.D., Rice University

SCOTT LALONDE, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Dartmouth College 

JOHN R. LEBLANC, Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., Louisiana State University

JEROME LEWIS, Lecturer in Chemistry
M.S., The University of Texas at Dallas

MARY LINEHAN, Associate Professor of History
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame

AMANDA LINK, Assistant Professor of History
Ph.D., Washington State University

ELIZABETH LISOT, Associate Professor of Art
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas

ERIC LOPEZ, Lecturer in Political Science
M.A., University of Arizona

CORTNEY LYNN, Lecturer in Biology
M.S., Stephen F. Austin State University

KAIA MAGNUSEN, Assistant Professor of Art
Ph.D., Rutgers University

CATHERINE MARTINI, Visiting Lecturer in Biology
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler

RACHEL MASON, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

MARSHA MATTHEWS, Associate Professor of Communication
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

JEREMY McBAIN, Associate Professor of Music 
D.M.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

NATALIA MENKINA-SNIDER, Lecturer in the Department of Literature and Languages
M.A., The University of Texas at Tyler

FARA MEZA, Lecturer of Mathematics
M.S. University of Texas at El Paso

DAVID MILAN, Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln

KRISTIN MYCKE, Lecturer in Sociology
M.S.W., Baylor University

JAMES L. NEWSOM, Professor of Instruction in History
Ph.D. Texas Christian University

JUNE OH, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Michigan State University

MARK OWENS, Associate Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., University of Georgia 

PIERRE-LUC PAQUET, Assistant Professor in Literature and Languages
Ph.D., University of Alicante, Spain

SOOAH PARK, Associate Professor of Music
D.M.A., The University of Texas at Austin

DUSTIN PATTERSON, Associate Professor of Biochemistry
Ph.D., University of Michigan 

TARA PROPPER, Assistant Professor of Instruction in Literature and Languages
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh

M.S., Portland State University

SARAH ROBERTS, Associate Professor of Music
M.M., University of North Texas

SARAH ROBERTS, Associate Professor of Music
M.M., University of North Texas

ERICKA ROBINSON-FREEMAN, Associate Professor of Practice in Social Work
MSSW, The University of Texas at Arlington

CAMERON ROSE, Associate Professor of Music and Director, Choral Activities
D.M.A., University of Utah

CATHERINE E. ROSS, Associate Professor of English
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin  

MIRIAM ROWNTREE, Assistant Professor of Instruction
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Arlington

MERYEM SAYGILI, Assistant Professor of Economics
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin

DAVID SCOTT, Assistant Professor in Social Sciences 
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas

JON SEAL, Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Florida State University

AUSTIN SEYBERT, Assistant Professor
D.M.A., University of Iowa

RYAN SHARTAU, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of British Columbia

TANYA SHTOYKO, Professor of Chemistry and Chair, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati

MARK SIDEY, Associate Professor of Instruction of Technical and Scientific Writing
Ph.D., Purdue University

ELIZABETH SILLS, Associate Professor in Social Sciences
Ph.D., Louisiana State University and A&M College

D.L. SIMMONS, Assistant Professor
M.F.A., Louisiana State University

JASON J. SMEE, Associate Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

NATHAN A. SMITH, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

COLIN SNIDER, Associate Professor of History
Ph.D., University of New Mexico

MARCUS A. STADELMANN, Professor of Political Science and Chair, Department of Political Science and History
Ph.D., University of California at Riverside

EMILY STANDRIDGE, Associate Professor of English and Director of the Writing Center
Ph.D., Ball State University

ROBERT STERKEN, Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., Texas Tech University

MATTHEW STITH, Associate Professor of History
Ph.D., University of Arkansas

PATRICIA STOUT, Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas

PAUL STREUFERT, Associate Professor of English and Executive Director of Special Academic Programs
Ph.D., Purdue University

DAVID STRONG, Professor of English
Ph.D., Indiana University

EDWARD TABRI, Associate Professor of History
Ph.D., University of Virginia 

GREGORY J. UTLEY, Associate Professor of Spanish
Ph.D., University of New Mexico

JOSEPH VANDEHEY, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

AMENTAHRU WAHLRAB, Associate Professor of Political Science
Ph.D., University of Denver

LANCE WILLIAMS, Professor of Biology and Chair, Department of Biology
Ph.D., Mississippi State University

M.S., Oklahoma State University

KENNETH WINK, Professor of Public Administration and Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., Louisiana State University

JENNIFER WOOLDRIDGE, Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences
Ph.D., University of Florida

MERRIE WRIGHT, Professor of Art and Chair, Department of Art and Art History
M.F.A., Louisiana State University

HUI WU, Professor of English and Chair, Department of Literature and Languages
Ph.D., Texas Christian University

BRENT YERGENSEN, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Communication
Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Lincoln

RIQING YU, Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Rutgers

Soules College of Business Faculty

M.S., Johns Hopkins University

MOHAMMED ALI, Associate Professor, Department of Technology
Ph.D., University of Arkansas

MARWAN AL-SHAMMARI, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Arlington

ABDULLAHEL BARI, Associate Professor of Management
D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University

BRENT BEAL, Professor of Management
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

LEONARD BROWN, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Science
Ph.D., The University of Oklahoma 

STEPHEN BUSHARDT, Professor of Management
D.B.A., Mississippi State University

KYUNG-AH BYUN, Associate Professor of Marketing
Ph.D., Texas Tech University

MIGUEL CALDAS, Professor of Management
Ph.D., Fundação Getúlio Varga – Escola de Adminstração de Empresas de São Paulo

KERRI M. CAMP, Associate Professor of Marketing
Ph.D., Texas Tech University

J. JAMES CATER, III, Professor of Management
Ph.D., Louisiana State University

YONJOO CHO, Professor in Computer Science
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin

WINGYAN CHUNG, Associate Professor of HRD
Ph.D., University of Arizona

KERRIE ANNE CLARK, Lecturer in Management and Marketing
M.B.A., The University of Texas at Tyler

AMY CLEM, Lecturer in Management
M.B.A., The University of Texas at Tyler

TAMMY COWART, Associate Professor of Business Law and Ethics
J.D., Texas Tech University School of Law 

D. HAROLD DOTY, Professor of Management
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin.

MARY HELEN FAGAN, Associate Professor of Management Information Systems
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Arlington

DOMINICK FAZARRO, Professor of Industrial Technology and Industrial Management
Ph.D., Iowa State University 

MARY L. FISCHER, Professor of Accounting
Ph.D., University of Connecticut 

VENUGOPAL GOPALKRISHNA-REMANI, Associate Professor of Management
Ph.D., Kent State University 

RAEJEAN GRIFFIN, Lecturer in Technology
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler

JENNIFER HICKS, Lecturer in Management
M.A., The University of Texas at Tyler

JUNGHWA HONG, Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Management
M.S., University of Arizona

CHIALING HSIEH, Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University

DAVID HULL, Assistant Professor in Computer Science
Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong

SHERRY JACKSON, Associate Professor of Management
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Arlington

HUI LIANG JAMES, Associate Professor in Accounting, Finance, Business Law
D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University

KEVIN JAMES, Associate Professor of Marketing and Chair, Department of Management and Marketing
D.B.A., Louisiana Tech 

DENNIS JONES, Assistant Professor in Technology
Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Madison

HOYOUNG KIM, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Kent State University

ARUN KULKARNI, Professor of Computer Science
Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

HESHIUM LAWRENCE, Associate Professor of Industrial Technology
Ph.D., Mississippi State University

YI LI, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas

EVA (HUI) LIANG, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Minnesota

ROGER LIRELY, Professor of Accounting
D.B.A., Southern Illinois University at Carbondale 

DAVID MARKS, Lecturer in Accounting, Finance and Business Law
Master of Professional Accounting, The University of Texas at Austin

ROCHELL MCWHORTER, Associate Professor of Human Resource Development
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

BRANDY MEADOWS, Lecturer in Marketing and Management
M.B.A., The University of Texas at Tyler

MARK R. MILLER, Professor of Technology and Chair, Department of Technology
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

TIMOTHY MORGAN, Assistant Professor in Management
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

KIM NIMON, Professor of Human Resource Development, Interim Chair, Department of HRD
Ph.D., University of North Texas

TIMOTHY NIX, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

VIVEK K. PANDEY, Professor of Finance
D.B.A., Mississippi State University 

STEPHEN RAINWATER, Associate Professor
Ed.D., East Texas State University

JENNIFER REYNOLDS, Lecturer of Accounting
M.S., The University of Texas at Arlington

WENDELYN RISHER, Lecturer in Management and Marketing
M.B.A., Tampa College

PAUL B. ROBERTS, Professor of Human Resource Development
Ed.D., Texas A&M University

TOM ROBERTS, Professor of Computer Science and Chair, Department of Computer Science
Ph.D., Auburn University

ROBERT SCHUMAKER, Professor of Computer Science
Ph.D., University of Arizona

G. HWAN SHIN, Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

NARAYANAN SUBRAMANIAN, Associate Professor of Computer Science
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas

JUDY SUN, Associate Professor of Human Resource Development
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler

KRIST SWIMBERGHE, Associate Professor of Marketing and Dean, Soules College of Business
D.B.A., Louisiana Tech University 

MICHAEL TIDWELL, Professor, Soules College of Business
Ph.D., Washington State University

GREG WANG, Professor of Human Resource Development
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University

KEVIN WHITE, Assistant Professor of Business Law
J.D., Texas Woman's University

VERONDA F. WILLIS, Associate Professor of Accounting
Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder

BARBARA ROSS WOOLDRIDGE, Professor of Marketing
Ph.D., Louisiana State University

CHEN Y. WU, Associate Professor of Finance
Ph.D., Arizona State University

LIDONG WU, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas

JIE YANG, Assistant Professor of Management
Ph.D., Saint Louis University

SANGOK YOO, Assistant Professor of HRD
Ph.D., University of Minnesota

MARILYN YOUNG, Professor of Management
Ph.D., University of Arkansas

College of Education and Psychology Faculty

JENNIFER BAILEY, Assistant Professor of Practice
Ed.D., Stephen F. Austin State University

MICHAEL BARNETT, Assistant Professor in Psychology and Counseling
Ph.D., University of Houston

OLGA BERKOUT, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., The University of Mississippi

BRANDON BRETL, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Kansas 

DENNIS COMBS, Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., Louisiana State University

ANNAMARY CONSALVO, Associate Professor of Education
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin

JULIE DELELLO, Professor of Education
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

GINA DOEPKER - Associate Professor in the School of Education
Ph.D., The Ohio State University

FRANK DYKES, Professor of Special Education, Director, School of Education
Ed.D., Stephen F. Austin State University 

WILLIAM L. GEIGER, Professor of Special Education
Ed. D., University of Alabama

PRISCILLA W. GILPIN, Lecturer in Education
M.Ed., The University of Texas at Tyler 

RAMONA GRAD, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Georgia State University


Ph.D., Texas A&M University

YASEMIN GUNPINAR, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Florida

AMY HAYES, Associate Professor of Psychology, Chair, Department of Psychology and Counseling
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

WESLEY D. HICKEY, Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and Dean, College of Education and Psychology
Ed.D., Stephen F. Austin State University

JESSICA HOLM, Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling
Ph.D., University of North Texas 

FORREST KAISER, Assistant Professor in the School of Education
D.Ed., Texas A&M University Commerce

TERESA J. KENNEDY, Professor of Education
Ph.D., University of Idaho

LAUREN KIRBY, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counseling
Ph.D., Mississippi State University 

ADAM McGUIRE, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Seattle Pacific University

GARY MILLER, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Ed.D., University of North Texas

RANDALL MOATE, Associate Professor of Psychology and Counseling
Ph.D., Kent State University

KOUIDER MOKHTARI, Professor and Anderson-Vukelja-Wright Endowed Chair in Education
Ph.D., Ohio University

CITALI MOLINA, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of North Texas

JOANNA NEEL, Associate Professor of Education
Ed.D., Texas A&M University - Commerce

MICHAEL ODELL, Professor and Celia and Sam Roosth Endowed Chair in Education
Ph.D., Indiana University

YANIRA OLIVERAS, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Ph.D., Penn State University

LAURA OWENS, Lecturer in Psychology
M.S., Mississippi College

YVONNE RALPH, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Texas at Dallas

JESSICA RUETER, Associate Professor in the School of Education

Ph.D., Texas Woman's University

SARAH SASS, Associate Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

CYNTHIA A. SHERMAN, Senior Lecturer in Education
M.Ed., The University of Texas at Tyler 

ROBERT L. STEVENS, Professor of Education
Ed. D., University of Massachusetts

ERIC L. STOCKS, Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., University of Kansas

ZAHIDE SUNAL, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., Old Dominion University

WOONHEE SUNG, Assistant Professor
Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University

COLLEEN SWAIN, Professor of Education and Associate Provost for Online and Undergraduate Education
Ph.D., University of North Texas

CHRISTOPHER THOMAS, Assistant Professor in the School of Education
Ph.D., Ball State University 

M.A., Ball State University

ERIN WEST - Assistant Professor in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Ph.D., Kent State University 

NELLY YUEN, Assistant Professor of Practice
Ph.D., Fielding Graduate University

STACI ZOLKOSKI, Associate Professor of Education
Ph.D., University of North Texas

College of Engineering Faculty

GILBERT ABEL, Lecturer in Construction Management
Ed.D., California State Polytechnic University-Pomona

AWS AL-SHALASH, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville

OLA AL-SHALASH, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler 

NAEL BARAKAT, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Chair of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., McMaster University

MOHAMMAD BISWAS, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., University of Florida

JOSEPH BOYLAN, Lecturer, Department of Construction Management
M.S., Pennsylvania State University 

ZISHU CAO, Assistant Professor of ChemicalEngineering
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati

ALTHEA G. CHAPPELL, PE, Assistant Professor of Practice in Construction Management
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

SHIH-FENG CHOU, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., Auburn University

HASSAN EL-KISHKY, PE, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Interim Chair of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., Arizona State University

NELSON FUMO, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., Mississippi State University

MICHAEL GANGONE, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Ph.D., Clarkson University

ANDRES GARCIA, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Director of HEC
Ph.D., University of North Texas

KENAN HAZIRBABA, Professor of Instruction in Civil Engineering
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin

CHUNG HYUN GOH, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology 

SK AMJAD HOSSAIN, Lecturer in Construction Management
M.Applied Science, Concordia University

SHARIFUL HUQ, Lecturer in Civil Engineering
Ph.D., Texas A&M University

WATHIG IBRAHIM, Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., Binghampton University

PREMANANDA INDIC, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., Cochin University of Science and Technology

AZADEH IZADI, Assistant Professor of Instruction in Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., Massey University, New Zealand

TAHSIN KHAJAH, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., Old Dominion University

AADITYA KHANAL, Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering
Ph.D., University of Houston

JAVIER KYPUROS, Dean and Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin 

CARLA LACERDA, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Colorado State University

YASSER MAHGOUB, Lecturer in Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., Carleton University

SOREN MALONEY, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., University of Cambridge

MICHAEL McGINNIS, Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Dean of Engineering
Ph.D., Lehigh University

AMIR MIRMIRAN, Professor of Civil Engineering and Provost
Ph.D., University of Maryland

ZAFER MIQDADI, Lecturer in Civil Engineering
Ph.D., Moscow Hydro-Land Reclamation Institute, Russia

J. TOREY NALBONE, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Chair of Civil Engineering and of Construction Management
Ph.D., Texas A&M University 

JOUNSUP PARK, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., University of Washington 

FERNANDO RESENDE, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Ph.D., University of Michigan

HUSSAIN RIZVI, Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., University of North Texas 

GOKHAN SAYGILI, PE, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin

MUKUL SHIRVAIKAR, Professor of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., University of Tennessee

MENA SOULIMAN, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Ph.D., Arizona State University

PRABHA SUNDARAVADIVEL, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., University of North Texas

SHAWANA TABASSUM, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., Iowa State University

MICHAEL VECHIONE, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering
Ph.D., University of Texas at El Paso

School of Nursing Faculty

DANITA F. ALFRED, Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University

CHRISTY BAKER, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

SHIRLEY BALLARD, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S., Ball State University

GEORGE BARAJAZ, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

GLENN BARNES, Clinical Associate Professor
D.N.P., Texas Tech University Health Science Center 

CARLA BIONDILLO, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

EVA BLIGHT, Clinical Instructor
D.N.P., The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

JESSICA BOWEN, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at El Paso

ANN CAMPBELL, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

AMANDA CARTWRIGHT, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

KLEANTHE CARUSO, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

AMANDA CHAMBERS, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., Vanderbilt University

BARBARA CHAPMAN, Clinical Assistant Professor
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

JENIFER CHILTON, Associate Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler

JESSICA CONRAD, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

ERICA CONWAY, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler 

JULI COTTER, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler  

DEE CRABTREE, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler 

DEBORAH R. CRUMPLER, Clinical Assistant Professor in Nursing
M.S.N., University of Michigan 

GABRIELLE DAVIS, Clinical Associate Professor
D.N.P., The University of Texas at Tyler

BELINDA J. DEAL, Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University 

GINA DUDLEY, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
B.S.N., University of Phoenix

LEE ANN FABRY, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., Lubbock Christian University 

LAVADA FIELDS, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler 

JAY GALEON, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., Central Luzon Doctor's Hospital

HANNAH GEAN, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

JULIE GEORGE, Clinical Assistant Professor in Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler

JANET GEHRING, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The Catholic University of America

CHRISTY GIPSON, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

HILARY GREENE, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

DANICE GREER, Associate Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston

LORI GREER, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

ROSE GUIDRY, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

BARBARA K. HAAS, Professor and Dean, School of Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin 

ANNA HANSON, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

CAROLINE HARDEE, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., Walden University

JANICE HAWES, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

CHRISTI HAWKINS, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler 

PAMELA HEASLEY, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington 

MELINDA HERMANNS, Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston 

TERESA HUNT, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., Arkansas State University - Jonesboro

LAURIE JOHN, Clinical Associate Professor
Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University 

JANET JORDAN, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., Chamberlain College of Nursing

VICKI JOWELL, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler 

CARRIE JUDD, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

KAYLA KELLY, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler 

AUTUMN LADD, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., Stephen F. Austin State University

PAMELA LAKE, Associate Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler 

DEIRDRE LEUNG, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

KATRINA LOGAN, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

ANITA LOWE, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler 

KARA MARRS, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

COLLEEN MARZILLI, Associate Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler

BETH MASTEL-SMITH, Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University  

BARBARA MCALISTER, Associate Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler

SUSAN McBRIDE, Professor & Associate Dean for Research
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University

MARY McINNIS, Clinical Assistant Professor 
M.S.N., The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

DAVID McINTYRE, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
D.N.P., Maryville University

CATHY MILLER, Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler  

BRITTANY MURLEY, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Tyler

J. MICHELLE NELSON, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., Clarkson College 

GINA NICKELS-NELSON, Clinical Assistant Professor
D.N.P., The University of Texas at Tyler

J. BRIAN OPELLA, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., University of Phoenix

CHERYL PARKER, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., Capella University 

SANDRA J. PETERSEN, Professor of Nursing
D.N.P., Rush University 

ANGELA PRESTON, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

DEUNDRIA PRICE, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington

LINDA RAYMOND, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

MEGAN REYNOLDS, Clinical Assistant Professor
M.S.N., Abilene Christian University

CAROL RIZER, Associate Professor of Nursing
D.N.P., Oklahoma City University

AMY ROBERTS, Professor
Ph.D., University of North Texas

LACY ROBERTSON, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Arlington 

DIXIE ROSE, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

BETHANY RUDOLPH, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

SANDRA SAVAGE, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
B.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

TANYA SCHLEMMER, Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing
D.N.P., Texas Christian University 

RYLEIGH SMITH, Clinical Instructor
M.S.N., Johns Hopkins University 

BETHANY STARKS, Clinical Assistant Professor
D.N.P., Chamberlain University

KATHERINE STROUT, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler 

CASSIE THACKER, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

KAREN WALKER, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., University of Phoenix

ELAINE WALLACE, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., Benedictine University Online 

JALISHA WESLEY, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., Chamberlain University

MARY WILLIAMS, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

REBECCA WILLIAMS, Clinical Instructor in Nursing
M.S.N., The University of Texas at Tyler

Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy Faculty

MAY ABDELAZIZ, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University

SANTOSH ARYAL, Associate Professor
Doctor of Engineering, Chonbuk National University
JEREMY ASHLEY, Pharm.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

RACHEL BRATTELI, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., East Tennessee State University 

BRADLEY BRAZILL, Clinical Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., Duquesne University 

JONATHAN CHO, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., University of the Pacific

SHEEVA CHOPRA, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 

FARAH DEBA, Clinical Associate Professor
Ph.D., Kagoshima University

REBECCA DUNN, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center 

JOSEPH GLAVY, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences 
Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University

AYMAN HAMOUDA, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences 
Ph.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center  

YOUNG LEE, Clinical Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences 
Pharm.D., Western University

JONATHAN NEWSOME, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences 
Pharm.D., Xavier University of Louisiana College of Pharmacy

PAMELLA OCHOA, Clinical Professor and Associate Dean for Experiential Education, Department of Clinical Sciences 
Pharm.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

BRITTANY PARMENTIER, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., Drake University

DAVID PEARSON, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D., University of Basel, Switzerland 

STACY REID, Clinical Assistant Professor
Pharm.D., Drake University

SHANNON RICE, Clinical Assistant Professor, Depart of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

DAVID ROMERILL, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences and Interim Associate Dean for Student Affairs 
Pharm.D., Butler University 

OSAMA SHOAIR, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University

WINTER SMITH, Clinical Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences 
Pharm.D., University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy

KATHLEEN SNELLA, Clinical Associate Professor and Interim Dean
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin 

RAHMAT TALUKDER, Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D., Temple University

JOSE VEGA, Clinical Professor and Director of Interprofessional Education, Department of Clinical Sciences 
Pharm.D., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

MICHAEL VERONIN, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D., University of North Texas

TAKOVA WALLACE-GAY, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., Auburn University

YANYAN WANG, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Ph.D., Yale University Graduate School

JUSTIN WILDER, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., Appalachian College of Pharmacy

JESSICA WOOSTER, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., University of Tennessee

TIANRUI "CINDY" YANG, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences 
Pharm.D., University of Houston

ELIZABETH YETT, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., University of the Incarnate Word

FRANK YU, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences
Pharm.D., University of Tennessee Health Science Center

School of Health Professions Faculty

AHMED ABDELAL, Associate Professor in Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., Cairo University 

ARTURO ARCE-ESQUIVEL, Associate Professor of Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., Louisiana State University   

CYNTHIA BALL, Associate Professor
D.O., Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

AGATHA BORNE, Associate Professor
D.V.M., Ph.D., Louisiana State University

M.D., West Virginia University School of Medicine

DON BRADLEY, Clinical Associate Professor in Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University  

VANESSA CASANOVA, Associate Professor
Ph.D., Auburn University

REUBEN COWAN, Lecturer in Health and Kinesiology
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler 

DAVID CRISWELL, Professor and Chair, Department of Health & Kinesiology
Ph.D., University of Florida - Gainesville 

ASHLEY DALBY, Lecturer in Health and Kinesiology
M.S., The University of Texas at Tyler 

XUANLIANG NEIL DONG, Professor of Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., Columbia University  

KIMBERLY ELLIOTT, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Florida

JESSICA ESCARENO, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Memphis

JUSTINE FAGHIHIFAR, Clinical Assistant Professor in Health and Kinesiology
D.O.T., Texas Woman’s University 

JENNIFER GARNER, Clinical Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation Sciences
O.T.D., University of Texas at Medical Branch 

JULIE HEBERT, Clinical Assistant Professor and Academic Fieldwork Coordinator for the M.O.T. Program
O.T.D., Texas Woman's University   

WOOHYOUNG JEON, Assistant Professor in Kinesiology
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin

MICHAEL KENNEDY, Associate Professor
Ph.D., Renselear Polytechnic Institute

SHAADI KHADEMI, Associate Professor
M.D., University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

Ph.D., University of Oklahoma

DrPH, Texas A&M University

LARRY LOWRY, Professor
Ph.D., University of California-Davis

MADHURA MAIYA, Clinical Assistant Professor in Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University Houston  

PAUL McGAHA, Professor
D.O., Oklahoma State University

TINA MELAMED, Assistant Professor in Kinesiology
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas

KEVIN MOORE, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Oklahoma State University

MICHAEL MORRIS, Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Florida

Dr.Ph.H., University of North Texas Health Science Center

FLETCHER NJORORAI, Associate Professor of Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., Texas Woman's University

WYCLIFFE NJORORAI SIMIYU, Professor of Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., Kenyatta University  

CHRISTIE OSUAGWU, Associate Professor
Ph.D., Walden University

ANJALI PARTI, Clinical Associate Professor
D.O.T., University of Saint Augustine for Health Sciences  

PATRICIA ROYAL, Associate Professor
Ed.D., East Carolina University

MELIHA SALAHUDDIN, Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Texas Health Science Center Houston

JOHN H. SLOAN, Clinical Associate Professor of Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., University of Southern California 

WILLIAM SORENSEN, Professor of Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., University of New Orleans 

SCOTT A, SPIER, Associate Professor of Health and Kinesiology
Ph.D., Texas A&M University 

KATE STARNES, Assistant Professor
J.D., Texas Southern University

TRACI TAYLOR, Clinical Assistant Professor in Rehabilitation Sciences
O.T.D., The University of Texas at Medical Branch

YORDANOS TIRUNEH, Associate Professor
Ph.D., Northwestern University

School of Medical Biological Sciences Faculty

Vijayakumar Boggaram, Professor
Ph.D., University of Stockholm

Galina Florova, Associate Professor
Ph.D., Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms

Mitsuo Ikebe, Professor
Ph.D., Osaka University

Pierre Neuenschwander, Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook

Buka Samten, Associate Professor
M.D., Xinjiang Medical University

Torry Tucker, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham

Amy Tvinnereim, Associate Professor
Ph.D., Medical College of Wisconsin