COMD 3341 Introduction to Audiology

This course focuses on the nature, types and etiologies of various types of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss; prevention of hearing; and diagnostic assessments of hearing loss. The course provides hands-on experiences to enable students to conduct instrumental and physiological assessments of hearing on the levels of the outer ear, middle ear, inner ear and brainstem. Students will also learn how to read and analyze assessment data and integrate them with medical history and other information about patients. Students will acquire skills that will enable them to differentially distinguish various disorders of hearing and develop accurate diagnostic impressions. The course also focuses on the etiologies of the various types of hearing loss. It will discuss the impact of hearing loss on development, academic and work performance and socialization, taking in consideration the cultural and psychosocial aspects associated with temporary and permanent hearing losses. 


Upper-division standing; COMD 1306; COMD 2358; COMD 3350; COMD 3313. COMD 2359; COMD 2110. Min grade of C in only one of these courses.