Tuition and Mandatory Fees

Students pay a statutory tuition rate of $50 per semester credit hour for Texas Residents (See below, Excess Hours) and $470 per semester credit hour for Non-Texas Residents. Students also pay a designated tuition of $184 per undergraduate credit hour or $313 per graduate semester credit hour; and $360 per doctoral semester credit hour. Non-Texas Resident students also pay a designated tuition of $274 per undergraduate credit hour or $391 per graduate semester credit hour; and $449 per doctoral semester credit hour.  Lastly, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students enrolled in 3000–6000 level Business, Engineering and Nursing courses will be charged a differential tuition rate of $30 per semester credit hour.

Students will be given notice on their tuition bill, tuition receipt or an email in connection with tuition charges, of the amount of his/her tuition payment that is required to be set aside to provide financial assistance for students enrolled at the institution per the Texas Education Code, Section 56.014.

Tuition and fees are subject to change by legislative or regental action and become effective on the date enacted. The Texas Legislature does not set the specific amount for any particular student fee. The student fees assessed above are authorized by state statute; however, the specific fee amounts and the determination to increase fees are made by the university administration and The University of Texas System Board of Regents. Tuition and fee updates can be found at

In addition to tuition, all students are required to pay a set of mandatory fees, as set out below. A semester is equal to a fall, spring or summer semester.

Automated Service Fee


To defray costs of the automated student information system, software provided for student use, and library services.

Technology Fee 


To defray costs of providing campus computing services in support of academic programs.

Student Service Fee

$13/credit hour up to $150/semester

To provide a well-rounded program of activities and services for students of the university. Refunds of these fees are on the same basis as tuition as described under schedule of refunds.

Fine and Performing Arts Fee

$30/fall & spring semester;

$15/ summer & winter session

To offset the maintenance and operation of the R. Don Cowan Fine and Performing Arts Center.

Intercollegiate Athletics Fee

$16 per semester credit hour
(min. $96 max. $240)

To maintain the intercollegiate athletics programs. Maximum $240 per semester.

Recreational Facility Fee

$70/fall & spring semester;
$52/12 weeks summer session or longer; 
$26/6 weeks summer session or more, but less than 12 weeks 
$17/5 weeks or less summer or winter session

To operate and maintain student recreational facilities or programs.

International Education Fee


To fund scholarships for students participating in various international study abroad programs.

Medical Services Fee

$50/semester and 12 weeks summer session; 
$25/7 weeks session or less (fall, spring, summer and winter)

To help operate and maintain the student health clinic.

Records Fee


To defray the cost of supporting the University in appropriately maintaining a student’s records.  There is a limit of five transcripts per day at no charge.

Student Union Fee

$100/semester or summer session greater than six weeks
$50/6 weeks or less summer or winter session

Provides revenue for financing, constructing, operating, maintaining, renovating, improving, or equipping a student union building.

New Student Program Fee

$225 new freshman and new transfer students only

To support New Student Orientations and charged only to new freshmen and new transfer students during their first semester of enrollment at UT Tyler.
Instructional Support Fee $22 per semester credit hour
To defray cost of materials, equipment, and technical assistance directly associated with classroom activity. 
Online Education Fee  $14 per semester credit hour
To defray costs of providing online education in support of academic programs.
Student Success Fee $50/semester

To support initiatives that help students persist, graduate and secure desirable careers upon graduation. 

Houston Engineering Center Fee $175/fall & spring semester;
$150/12 weeks summer session or longer;
$135/7 weeks session (fall, spring or summer);
$75/6 weeks or less summer or winter session

To support the unique needs of the Houston Engineering Center campus.