Excused Absence for Active Military Service

Any student who has been called up for military service after a semester begins should immediately provide the One-Stop Services Center and course instructors a copy of the military orders. Such students are excused from attending classes, turning in assignments, taking examinations or participating in any other required activity if the absence is for no more than 25% of the total number of class meetings (excluding final examination period). If the absence is for more than 25% of the class meetings, please refer to the policy on Withdrawal for Military Service.

Within 5 days of the student returning to UT Tyler from active service, he or she shall notify the One-Stop Services Center and course instructors. The student will be allowed to complete all assignments and examinations within a reasonable time as agreed upon by the course instructors and under the same requirements in effect when the student enrolled in the course.

Should any dispute arise as to the student’s inability to complete assignments or examinations within a reasonable time after the absence, the student should first seek informal resolution with the faculty member, the department chair and then the dean of the college in which the course or courses are located. If an informal process is not successful, the student may institute a grade grievance process after the final course grade is recorded.