Mechanical Engineering Completion Curriculum

Students who have earned the Texas Associate of Science in Engineering Science degree from an ANSAC/ABET accredited program at a participating community college, with an overall GPA of at least 2.50/4.00 and with no grade lower than ā€œCā€ are eligible to pursue the Mechanical Engineering Completion Program to earn a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. This pathway enables a student to begin their engineering degree program at a participating community college and complete the degree at UT Tyler.

Course Requirements for Completion Curriculum

Junior Year

First Semester (18 hrs.)

MENG 3210Experimental Measurements and Techniques

MENG 3303Dynamics of Machinery

MENG 3306Mechanics of Materials


CENG 3306Mechanics of Materials

MENG 3310Fluid Mechanics

MENG 3319Materials Science and Manufacturing

MENG 3401Thermodynamics

Second Semester (17 hrs.)

MENG 3211Thermal-Fluids Laboratory

MENG 3309Mechanical Systems Design

MENG 3316Heat Transfer

MATH 3351Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

PHIL 2306Introduction to Ethics [TCCN: PHIL 2306]

Technical Elective

Senior Year

First Semester (16 hrs.)

MENG 4215Senior Capstone Design I

MENG 4312System Dynamics and Control

Technical Elective

Technical Elective

HIST 1302United States History II [TCCN: HIST 1302]

MATH 3203Matrix Methods in Science and Engineering


MATH 3315Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory


Second Semester (14 hrs.)

MENG 4216Senior Capstone Design II

MENG 4326Finite Element Analysis

Technical Elective

Technical Elective

POLS 2305Introductory American Government [TCCN: GOVT 2305]