Grading System for the College of Pharmacy

A letter grade equal to or greater than a C is considered satisfactory performance (passing) for completion of a course. The breakdown for assignment of letter grades and grade points for each letter grade are as follows:


Percent Grade 

Grade Points 

90.0 to 100% 

80.0 to 89.999% 

 70.0 to 79.999%



 65 to 69.999%


Below 64.999% 


Most courses use the traditional grading system, providing grades of A through F. However, grading may take other forms, including:

 P/F Pass/Fail – Passing work is a letter grade of ’C’ and above. The FCOP P/F standard differs from the University’s standard for passing (i.e., letter grade of ‘D’ or higher).
 CR Credit with semester credit hours awarded (See Credit/No Credit option policy)
 NC No-credit with no semester credit hours awarded (See Credit/No Credit option policy)
 I Indicates incomplete coursework (See incomplete policy)
 W Indicates withdrawal (See withdrawal policies)
 * A course subsequently repeated (see Repeating Courses and Grade Forgiveness Policies)
 AU Audit

Course components, weighing of assignments used to calculate course grades are outlined in each course syllabus.

Incomplete Grade

Please see the Incomplete Policy in the Graduate Policies Section of this catalog.