Research and Technology Transfer
The Office of Research and Technology Transfer promotes and supports research and sponsored programs within The University of Texas at Tyler and through collaborative efforts with other universities, industries and businesses. The office coordinates externally funded research projects; provides support for research development, post-award management and technology commercialization; and represents the interests of the UT System, the university president and the university community in their relationships with external funding agencies and sponsors. The office also assists faculty, staff, and students in protecting, developing, and commercializing intellectual property.
The Office of Research and Technology Transfer supports comprehensive programs of academic research by assuring institutional and investigator compliance with applicable regulations, policies and industry standards while engaged in scholarly activities associated with animal and human subject research. The same assurance also applies to research involving recombinant DNA (rDNA) and the use of select or infectious agents. This office provides information on research activities which are governed by a number of research oversight committees imposed by federal and state laws. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties to the institution, and in some instances, to the individual. It is the responsibility of faculty and staff to be familiar with UT Tyler policy as it relates to these research compliance areas.
This office affirms its commitment to the following objectives:
- To assist faculty and student researchers in meeting compliance requirements and in achieving approval for animal, human subject, rDNA, and select or infectious agent protocols submitted for IACUC, IRB or IBC review, as appropriate;
- To review declarations of both funded and non-funded investigators no less than annually and to present conflicts of interests to the Committee on Research Integrity for management and monitoring;
- To provide resources and/or training to University faculty and students in the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) as established by the federal Office of Research Integrity (ORI);
- To assure investigator commitment to research integrity by responding to allegations of misconduct in research through inquiry and, if necessary, investigation;
- To monitor and administer export control procedures for issues related to controlled technologies not protected by the fundamental research exemption (15 CFR 734.8) that remain subject to the EAR and/or to ITAR.
- To monitor faculty effort reports, at random, or upon request to assure compliance with OMB regulations.