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Board of Regents of the University of Texas System
Administration of the University of Texas at Tyler
The University
Tuition, Charges, and Fees
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Undergraduate Academic Policies
Student Affairs
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College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business and Technology
College of Education and Psychology
College of Engineering
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Ben and Maytee Fisch College of Pharmacy
University College
Graduate Policies and Programs
Graduate College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate College of Business and Technology
Graduate College of Education and Psychology
Graduate College of Engineering
Graduate College of Nursing and Health Sciences
ACCT - Accounting
ART - Art
ALHS - Allied Health Science
ANTH - Anthropology
BGST - General Studies
BIOL - Biology
BLAW - Business Law
CENG - Civil Engineering
CEPH - Clinical Exercise Physiology Program
CHEM - Chemistry
CHIN - Chinese
CMGT - Construction Management
COMM - Communication
COSC - Computer Science
COUN - Counseling
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
ECOM - Communication - Executive Format
ECON - Economics
EDBE - Bilingual Education
EDEC - Early Childhood Education
EDFB - Field-Based Education
EDGT - Gifted and Talented Education
EDIN - Educational Internship
EDLR - Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
EDSP - Special Education
EDUC - Education
EDUT - UTeach
EENG - Electrical Engineering
EHCA - Executive Health Care Administration
ELED - Elementary Education
EMGE - Engineering Management
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENIF - Nursing Informatics
EPSY - Educational Psychology
FINA - Finance
FREN - French
GATE - Global Awareness Through Education
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
HECC - Health and Exercise Core
HIST - History
HNRS - Honors
HRD - Human Resource Development
JAPN - Japanese
KINE - Kinesiology
LATN - Latin
MANA - Management
MARK - Marketing
MATH - Mathematics
MCOM - Mass Communication
MENG - Mechanical Engineering
MTED - Mathematics
MUAP-Music Applied
MUED - Music Education
MUEN - Music Ensembles
MUSI - Music
NURS - Nursing
PADM - Public Administration
PHAR - Pharmacy
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSYC - Psychology
PYED - Physical Education
READ - Reading Education
RELI - Religion Studies
RETL - Retail
SOCI - Sociology
SPAN - Spanish
SPCM - Speech Communication
TECH - Technology
THTR - Theatre
UNIV - University-Wide
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2015-2016 Catalog
> EDSP - Special Education
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EDSP - Special Education
EDSP 3351 Managing and Instructing Diverse Learners
EDSP 4199-4399 Independent Study
EDSP 5100-5300 Inservice Workshop
EDSP 5199-5399 Independent Study
EDSP 5350 Overview of Special Education (Birth -21)
EDSP 5352 Infants and Young Children
EDSP 5357 Practicum in Special Education
EDSP 5360 Seminar: Learning and Neurological Disabilities
EDSP 5361 Overview of Transition Services
EDSP 5362 Adolescents and Adults with Disabilities
EDSP 5363 Behavioral Disorders
EDSP 5364 Seminar: Assessment in Special Education
EDSP 5365 Developmental Testing
EDSP 5366 Seminar: Full Individual Evaluation
EDSP 5368 Seminar: Educational Strategies for Special Education
EDSP 5369 Severe/Profound and Multiple Disabilities
EDSP 5370 Learning Theory as Applied to Individuals with Disabilities
EDSP 5731 Individual Assessment of Cognitive Functioning
EDSP 5378 Administrative and Legal Issues in Special Education