The Coordinated Nursing M.S.N./M.B.A.
Students enrolling for this coordinated degree option must meet the admission requirements listed elsewhere in this catalog for both Business Administration and Nursing. Students complete a total of 57-60 SCH depending upon whether the thesis or non-thesis option is selected. Both the MSN and MBA degrees are awarded simultaneously at graduation.
Degree Requirements (MSN-MBA)
Required Courses
MANA 5395: after 27 hrs.
NOTE: See COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND TECHNOLOGY catalog section for further information.
Total Credit Hours: 57-60
Graduation Requirements
All candidates for the Master of Science in Nursing degree at The University of Texas at Tyler must meet the following requirements:
- A minimum grade-point of 3.0 on all graduate level work taken at UT Tyler. No course with a grade below “B” may be applied toward this degree.
- Nursing courses within the MSN curriculum may be repeated only once. Only two courses may be repeated.
- Satisfactory completion of all degree requirements including either NURS 5334 Professional Scholarship or NURS 5395 Thesis.