On-line Post-Baccalaureate Initial Certification Programs for Grades 4-8, 8-12, and EC-12: STEP
The STEP On-line Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program in The School of Education offers post-baccalaureate programs that lead to initial teacher certification. The STEP program can be completed in one year.
To complete a post-baccalaureate teaching certificate at the 4-8 level, the 8-12 level, or the EC-12 level, the candidate must have an earned bachelor’s degree with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 and complete all program requirements in addition to the required state certification exams.
The post-baccalaureate program is an online program that combines graduate courses, professional development modules, and supervised student teaching or internship experiences. Additional content coursework may be required. The program is begun in Summer II and may be completed in one year. Information on the STEP program is available at www.uttyler.edu/step/Advising for the STEP program is provided by the Director of Educator Certification in the School of Education.