The Coordinated Master of Science in Nursing and Master of Business Administration
This coordinated Master of Science in Nursing and Master of Business Administration (MSN-MBA) degree option will prepare the nurse executive to ensure excellence in client care services, and also to impact the business environment in which nurses practice. This degree option incorporates content in management, economics, finance, and marketing into a framework for nursing service and health care administration. The coordinated degree can be completed in 57-60 semester credit hours, including prerequisite courses for both Business Administration and Nursing.
In addition to the general graduate admission requirements of The University of Texas at Tyler, students applying for admission to the MSN-MBA coordinated degree option must meet the College of Nursing and Health Sciences and the College of Business and Technology requirements listed elsewhere in this catalog under the College of Nursing, the coordinated Master of Science in Nursing and Master of Business Administration.
Degree Requirements (MSN-MBA)
(See, College of Nursing and Health Sciences )
The course requirements for the coordinated degree option are as follows:
Students completing the MSN-MBA coordinated degree option will be awarded their two degrees in the same academic term.