Computer Information Systems Minor
A student may choose Computer Information Systems as a minor to satisfy bachelor degree programs with majors in other fields. This program requires a total of 22 semester hours of Computer Information Systems. Courses required are:
Degree Requirements
Required Courses
The Computer Science cooperative (co-op) program is offered as an educational enhancement to the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and the Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems. To complete the computer science co-op program, a student works full-time in an approved computing or information technology environment for three semesters, before the student’s senior year. Students may fulfill their three semester requirement by working during three 12 week summer semesters.
To participate in the computer science co-op program, a student must have completed at least one semester at UT Tyler with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 on all course work completed at UT Tyler; and the student must have completed COSC 1436 and COSC 1437 (or their equivalents) with a grade of “C” or better. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA to continue their participation in the co-op program. The student, an assigned computer science faculty member, and an official representative of the host company will develop a written plan of activities that constitute the goals for each semester of the co-op. The student, in cooperation with an official representative of the host company, will provide periodic reports to the assigned computer science faculty member to demonstrate satisfactory progress toward the goals of the written plan. A summary report/performance evaluation of the work of the student at the end of the semester is also required.
During the student’s co-op semesters he/she will be considered a full-time student at UT Tyler and will register for the appropriate one semester hour co-op course selected from COSC 3191, COSC 3192, or COSC 3193.
Students may apply to participate in the computer science co-op program by submitting a co-op application form to the chair of the department at least six weeks prior to the semester in which the student plans to start the co-op.